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Claims and Reimbursement

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Kathleen Connor
Book Zurman Incorporated

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Mary Kay McDaniel

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Benoit Schoeffler


Beat Heggli
HL7 Switzerland

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This document contains the HL7 messaging specifications to support Claims and Reimbursement (CR) for the electronic exchange of health invoice (claim) data. The document is intended for use by benefit group vendors, Third Party Administrators (TPA) and Payers who wish to develop software that is compliant with an international standard for the electronic exchange of claim data.

The content of this document is not intended to be an alternative to or replacement for those ASC X12 standards mandated for use in this domain in the United States


The scope of the Claims and Reimbursement informative document defines the HL7 messaging and technical standards for:

  • Electronic transmission of healthcare invoices, with supporting documents and reports, to authorized individuals and/or organizations;

  • Inclusion of diagnostic and preventative intervention codes with each healthcare invoice;

  • A query mechanism to allow authorized users to electronically inquire about information they have previously provided to a Payer;

  • Minimum data sets;

  • Minimum display and print standards; and

  • Minimum data storage.

As used in this document the domain of Claims and Reimbursement excludes:

  • Payer and benefit group specific processing and implementation rules;

  • Jurisdictional specific processing and implementation rules;

  • Processes for the submission of supporting documentation by third parties to Payers.

  • Processes for the capture and processing of healthcare invoice data by a Provider;

  • Processes for the adjudication, payment and reconciliation of healthcare invoices by a Payer;

  • Referrals between Providers;

  • Electronic funds transfer (EFT) messages; and,

  • Implementation of the standard.

Trigger Events and Message Definitions

EHC^E01 – Submit HealthCare Services Invoice (event E01)

This message is used to submit a HealthCare Services Invoice to a TPA/Payer for processing and payment. A HealthCare Services Invoice may have 1 or more Product/Service Line Items (detail lines), grouped as a Product/Service Group. Each Product/Service Line Item represents a specific fee item. Refer to the beginning of this section for more information on the structure of a HealthCare Services Invoice.

This message can be used to submit a HealthCare Services Invoice or to resubmit a previously submitted HealthCare Services Invoice (in case it was not properly acknowledged the first time that it was submitted). This message cannot be used to update an Invoice (e.g., add or cancel Product/Service Line Items) or cancel a HealthCare Services Invoice. To cancel a HealthCare Services Invoice, use the EHC^E02 – Cancel HealthCare Services Invoice message. To update a HealthCare Services Invoice it must first be cancelled (see EHC^E02 – Cancel HealthCare Services Invoice) and then re–submitted using this message with new Invoice numbers.

This message can also be used as a Pre-Determination message. This allows a Provider Application to submit a HealthCare Services Invoice to a Payer Application and run it through the Payer's edit and adjudication engine. The only difference between a Pre-Determination Invoice and a regular Invoice is the Payer will not pay the Pre-Determination Invoice. Setting the Invoice Control on IVC to "PD" identifies a Pre-Determination Invoice.

Note that an EHC^E12 – Request Additional Information (pending) is a valid response for an EHC^E01 – Submit HealthCare Services Invoice. In this case, the interactions would be EHC^E01 -> EHC^E12 (pending).

Processing Rules:

  1. Where multiple Payers can pay Invoices, they must be sent to Payers in the order identified as primary, secondary, tertiary, etc. Rules for determining primary, secondary, tertiary, etc. are not set in this document; these are set out by agencies in various jurisdictions.
    In addition, an Invoice must only be sent to a subsequent Payer (e.g., secondary) once Edit/Adjudication results have been received from a prior Payer (e.g., primary).

  2. The Provider Application and the Payer Application must uniquely identify each Invoice, Product/Service Group, Product/Service Line Item and Adjustment.
    These numbers appear as a pair on the IVC, PSG, PSL and ADJ segments and must be echoed on any subsequent interactions for the Invoice, group or line item between the Provider Application and Payer Application.
    The Provider Invoice Number and Payer Invoice Number must be echoed on any subsequent interactions for the Invoice between the Provider Application and Payer Application.

  3. The Provider Application and/or Payer Application may also supply a tracking number for each Product/Service Line Item it processes, specified as the Provider Tracking Number or Payer Tracking Number.
    If the Payer Application accepts the Invoice, the Provider Application must store 2 tracking numbers for each Product/Service Line Item, if present in the message pair. The Payer Application must also store 2 tracking numbers for each Product/Service Line Item, if present in the message pair.
    The Provider Tracking Number and Payer Tracking Number must be echoed on any subsequent interactions for the Product/Service Line Item between the Provider Application and Payer Application.

  4. Each Product/Service Line Item must reference Location Identification information, which is defined by the LOC segment. Location Identification information may be specified with the Invoice, Product/Service Group and/or Product/Service Line Item.
    If specified with the Invoice Information, then the Location Identification information acts as a default for all Product/Service Line Items in the Invoice.
    If specified with the Product/Service Group Information, then the Location Identification information acts as a default for all Product/Service Line Items in the Product/Service Group.
    If specified with the Product/Service Line Item, then the Location Identification information supersedes (replaces) any defaults set by specifying Location Identification information with the Invoice or Product/Service Group.
    Location Identification information must be specified with the Product/Service Line Item if it has not been defaulted for the Invoice or Product/Service Group.

  5. Some Payers require Provider Information to be included with an Invoice, which is defined by the ROL segment. In these situations, the ROL segment may be specified with the Invoice, Product/Service Group and/or Product/Service Line Item (note that the ROL segment also appears with Procedure Information, which is not covered by this processing rule).
    If specified with the Invoice Information, then the Provider Information acts as a default for all Product/Service Line Items in the Invoice.
    If specified with the Product/Service Group Information, then the Provider Information acts as a default for all Product/Service Line Items in the Product/Service Group.
    If specified with the Product/Service Line Item, then the Provider information supersedes (replaces) any defaults set by specifying Provider information with the Invoice or Product/Service Group.
    Provider Information, if required by the Payer, must be specified with the Product/Service Line Item if it has not been defaulted for the Invoice or Product/Service Group.

  6. If Authorization Information is entered (AUT segment), then either the Authorization Identifier on AUT or Name of Authorizer on AUT must be specified.

  7. The Billed Amount on PSG must be equal to the sum of all Product/Service Billed Amounts on PSL for all Product/Service Line Items for the particular Product/Service Group.

  8. Procedures: If a PR1 segment (procedure/service) is specified for a particular patient, then the Provider performing the Procedure must be specified (using the corresponding ROL segment) if different from the Primary Care Provider specified for the same Product/Service Line Item.

  9. The Product/Service Billed Amount on PSL must be equal to the Product/Service Gross Amount on PSL + sum of all Adjustment Amount on ADJ for all Provider Adjustments for the particular Product/Service Line Item. That is, the gross amount + any adjustments such as taxes, mark ups, dispensing fees, etc. must equal the billed amount.
    The Product/Service Billed Amount on PSL should be the amount the Provider is billing and should include all adjustments and all unit cost multipliers.

  10. Product/Service Clarification Codes: Each Product/Service Line Item allows a number of clarification codes to be specified. These are specified as 2 fields: Product/Service Clarification Code Type and Product/Service Clarification Code Value. Both of these fields repeat within the PSL segment and must repeat the same number of times. For example, if 2 clarification codes are specified, then 2 repetitions of each field is required, the first repetition corresponding to the 1st clarification code, the second repetition corresponding to the 2nd clarification code.

  11. Re-submitting an Invoice: If an Invoice or component is resubmitted with corrections (this rule does not apply to Invoices re-submitted in whole, without modification, due to network problems, etc.), new Invoice, Product/Service Group and Product/Service Line Items must be specified (for the subsequent Invoice).

  12. A single group cannot have both multiple Patients and multiple Product/Service Line Items for the same Product/Service Group. In this situation, the multiple Patient and Product/Service Line Item must be split into multiple Product/Service Groups.

EHC^E01^EHC_E01: Submit HealthCare Services Invoice
HL7 MessageStructure Table - EHC_E01
Segment Cardinality Must Implement Status
MSH 1..1 Yes
SFT 0..*
UAC 0..*
IVC 1..1 Yes
PYE 0..1
CTD 0..*
AUT 0..1
LOC 0..*
PRT 0..*
ROL 0..* B
PSS 1..1 Yes
PSG 1..1 Yes
LOC 0..*
PRT 0..*
ROL 0..* B
IPR 0..*
PID 1..1 Yes
PRT 0..*
PV1 0..1
PV2 0..1
ACC 0..*
OBX 0..*
PRT 0..*
IN1 1..1 Yes
IN2 0..1
DG1 1..1 Yes
NTE 0..*
PSL 1..1 Yes
NTE 0..*
ADJ 0..*
AUT 0..1
LOC 0..*
PRT 0..*
ROL 0..* B
PR1 1..1 Yes
NTE 0..*
PRT 0..*
ROL 0..* B

Original Mode Acknowledgement Choreography for EHC^E01^EHC_E01

Send Application Ack: ACK^E01^ACK

Enhanced Mode Acknowledgement Choreography for EHC^E01^EHC_E01

When the MSH-15 value of an EHC^E01^EHC_E01 message is AL or ER or SU, an ACK^E01^ACK message SHALL be sent as an immediate ack.

When the MSH-15 value of an EHC^E01^EHC_E01 message is NE, an immediate ack SHALL NOT be sent.

When the MSH-16 value of an EHC^E01^EHC_E01 message is AL or ER or SU, an ACK^E01^ACK message SHALL be sent as an application ack.

When the MSH-16 value of an EHC^E01^EHC_E01 message is NE, an application ack SHALL NOT be sent.

Field Value Send Response
MSH-15 AL, ER, SU immediate ack: ACK^E01^ACK
NE (none)
MSH-16 AL, ER, SU application ack: ACK^E01^ACK
NE (none)

EHC^E02 – Cancel HealthCare Services Invoice (event E02)

This message is used to cancel one HealthCare Services Invoices or one Product/Service Group in an Invoice or one Product/Service Line Item in an Invoice that have previously been submitted to a TPA/Payer for processing and payment. Invoice Control codes are used to indicate the specific action being requested of the Payer (CN for Cancel Invoice, CG for Cancel Product/Service Group and CI for Cancel Product/Service Line Item). An Invoice that is cancelled must be marked as cancel only and not purged from the Payer Application's database.

The Payer may/may not be able to cancel the Invoice/Product/Service Line Item, and will indicate processing results in the response message. In some situations, the Payer has already paid the Product/Service Line Item, and therefore will hold a debit amount for the Payee until subsequent billing from the Payee utilizes the debit amount.

This message cannot be used to cancel or remove ancillary information for an Invoice and/or Product/Service Line Item such as Authorization or Contact information or any referenced health documents.

Processing Rules:

  1. The Provider Application and the Payer Application must uniquely identify each Invoice, Product/Service Group, Product/Service Line Item and Adjustment.
    These numbers appear as a pair on the IVC, PSG, PSL and ADJ segments and must be echoed on any subsequent interactions for the Invoice, group or line item between the Provider Application and Payer Application.

  2. The Provider Application and/or Payer Application may also supply a tracking number for each Product/Service Line Item it processes, specified as the Provider Tracking Number or Payer Tracking Number.
    The Provider Tracking Number and Payer Tracking Number must be echoed on any subsequent interactions for the Product/Service Line Item between the Provider Application and Payer Application.

  3. At least one NTE segment must be included with this message to describe the cancellation reason for each Product/Service Line Item. The NTE segment may be specified with the Invoice (following the IVC segment) and applies to all Product/Service Line Items for that Invoice. If not specified with the Invoice, then it must be specified for each Product/Service Line Item (following the PSL segment).

  4. Sending Organization and Sending Application on input message must be the same as the Sending Organization and Sending Application from the original Invoice (submitted via the EHC^E01 – Submit HealthCare Services Invoice message) for the specified Invoice being queried.

  5. Provider reference numbers and Payer reference numbers must exist on Payer Application's database and must point to the same Invoice, Product/Service Group or Product/Service Line Item, otherwise an error must be generated (mismatched Invoice and/or Product/Service Line Item).

  6. Product/Service Clarification Codes: Each Product/Service Line Item allows a number of clarification codes to be specified. These are specified as 2 fields: Product/Service Clarification Code Type and Product/Service Clarification Code Value. Both of these fields repeat within the PSL segment and must repeat the same number of times. For example, if 2 clarification codes are specified, then 2 repetitions of each field is required, the first repetition corresponding to the 1st clarification code, the second repetition corresponding to the 2nd clarification code.

  7. To cancel an Invoice, use Invoice Control Code on IVC of "CN". In addition, the following fields must be supplied and must match the original Invoice submitted:
    HDR.Sending Organization
    IVC.Provider Organization
    IVC.Invoice Amount
    IVC.Provider Invoice Number
    IVC.Payer Invoice Number
    PYE.Payee Identification List

  8. To cancel a Product/Service Group within an Invoice, use Invoice Control Code on IVC of "CG". In addition, the following fields must be supplied and must match the original Invoice submitted:
    HDR.Sending Organization
    IVC.Provider Organization
    IVC.Invoice Amount
    IVC.Provider Invoice Number
    IVC.Payer Invoice Number
    PYE.Payee Identification List
    PSG.Provider Product/Service Group Number
    PSG.Payer Product/Service Group Number

  9. To cancel a Product/Service Line Item within an Invoice, use Invoice Control Code on IVC of "CI". In addition, the following fields must be supplied and must match the original Invoice submitted:
    HDR.Sending Organization
    IVC.Provider Organization
    IVC.Invoice Amount
    IVC.Provider Invoice Number
    IVC.Payer Invoice Number
    PYE.Payee Identification List
    PSG.Provider Product/Service Group Number
    PSG.Payer Product/Service Group Number
    PSL.Provider Product/Service Line Item Number
    PSL.Payer Product/Service Line Item Number
    PSL.Product/Service Code
    PSL.Product/Service Effective Date
    PSL.Billed Amount

  10. This message must not be used to cancel a Product/Service Line Item in a Product/Service Group which was submitted with Adjudicated as Group = "Y".

EHC^E02^EHC_E02: Cancel HealthCare Services Invoice
HL7 MessageStructure Table - EHC_E02
Segment Cardinality Must Implement Status
MSH 1..1 Yes
SFT 0..*
UAC 0..*
IVC 1..1 Yes
PYE 1..1 Yes
CTD 0..*
NTE 0..*
PSS 1..1 Yes
PSG 0..*
PSG 1..1 Yes
PSL 0..*

Original Mode Acknowledgement Choreography for EHC^E02^EHC_E02

Send Application Ack: ACK^E02^ACK

Enhanced Mode Acknowledgement Choreography for EHC^E02^EHC_E02

When the MSH-15 value of an EHC^E02^EHC_E02 message is AL or ER or SU, an ACK^E02^ACK message SHALL be sent as an immediate ack.

When the MSH-15 value of an EHC^E02^EHC_E02 message is NE, an immediate ack SHALL NOT be sent.

When the MSH-16 value of an EHC^E02^EHC_E02 message is AL or ER or SU, an ACK^E02^ACK message SHALL be sent as an application ack.

When the MSH-16 value of an EHC^E02^EHC_E02 message is NE, an application ack SHALL NOT be sent.

Field Value Send Response
MSH-15 AL, ER, SU immediate ack: ACK^E02^ACK
NE (none)
MSH-16 AL, ER, SU application ack: ACK^E02^ACK
NE (none)

QBP^E03 – Query HealthCare Services Invoice Status (event E03)

This message is used to query the status of a HealthCare Services Invoice. There are 3 types of queries handled by this message: 1) a specific Invoice, 2) a specific Product/Service Group or 3) a specific Product/Service Line Item. If a Provider wants to obtain information on a group of invoices (e.g., submitted in a date range), each individual Invoice must be queried.

This message may also be used to query an Invoice submitted at another Network Application ID and Network Facility ID, as long as sufficient identification information is provided to qualify the request and requestor. These are noted as Processing Rules for this message.

Note that the response to this query has the same content as an EHC^E10 – Edit/Adjudication Results message.

Processing Rules:

  1. The Provider Application and the Payer Application must uniquely identify each Invoice, Product/Service Group, Product/Service Line Item and Adjustment.
    These numbers appear as a pair on the IVC, PSG, PSL and ADJ segments and must be echoed on any subsequent interactions for the Invoice, group or line item between the Provider Application and Payer Application.

  2. The Provider Application and/or Payer Application may also supply a tracking number for each Product/Service Line Item it processes, specified as the Provider Tracking Number or Payer Tracking Number.
    The Provider Tracking Number and Payer Tracking Number must be echoed on any subsequent interactions for the Product/Service Line Item between the Provider Application and Payer Application.

  3. A unique query identifier (Query Tag on QPD) must be generated for each query.
    Provider Invoice Number + Payer Invoice Number + Product/Service Line Item Number on input message must exist on Payer Application's database and must point to the same Product/Service Line Item, otherwise an error must be generated (mismatched Invoice and/or Product/Service Line Item).

  4. To query an Invoice, the following fields must be supplied and must match the original Invoice submitted:
    QPD.Sending Organization
    QPD.Provider Organization
    QPD.Invoice Amount
    QPD.Provider Invoice Number
    QPD.Payer Invoice Number
    QPD.Payee Identification List

  5. To query a Product/Service Group within an Invoice, the following fields must be supplied and must match the original Invoice submitted:
    QPD.Sending Organization
    QPD.Provider Organization
    QPD.Invoice Amount
    QPD.Provider Invoice Number
    QPD.Payer Invoice Number
    QPD.Payee Identification List
    QPD.Provider Product/Service Group Number
    QPD.Payer Product/Service Group Number

  6. To query a Product/Service Line Item within an Invoice, the following fields must be supplied and must match the original Invoice submitted:
    QPD.Sending Organization
    QPD.Provider Organization
    QPD.Invoice Amount
    QPD.Provider Invoice Number
    QPD.Payer Invoice Number
    QPD.Payee Identification List
    QPD.Provider Product/Service Group Number
    QPD.Payer Product/Service Group Number
    QPD.Provider Product/Service Line Item Number
    QPD.Payer Product/Service Line Item Number

QBP^E03^QBP_E03: Query HealthCare Services Invoice
HL7 MessageStructure Table - QBP_E03
Segment Cardinality Must Implement Status
MSH 1..1 Yes
SFT 0..*
UAC 0..*
1..1 Yes
QPD 1..1 Yes
RCP 1..1 Yes

Original Mode Acknowledgement Choreography for QBP^E03^QBP_E03

Send Application Ack: RSP^E03^RSP_E03

Enhanced Mode Acknowledgement Choreography for QBP^E03^QBP_E03

When the MSH-15 value of a QBP^E03^QBP_E03 message is AL or ER or SU, an ACK^E03^ACK message SHALL be sent as an immediate ack.

When the MSH-15 value of a QBP^E03^QBP_E03 message is NE, an immediate ack SHALL NOT be sent.

When the MSH-16 value of a QBP^E03^QBP_E03 message is AL or ER or SU, a RSP^E03^RSP_E03 message SHALL be sent as an application ack.

When the MSH-16 value of a QBP^E03^QBP_E03 message is NE, an application ack SHALL NOT be sent.

Field Value Send Response
MSH-15 AL, ER, SU immediate ack: ACK^E03^ACK
NE (none)
MSH-16 AL, ER, SU application ack: RSP^E03^RSP_E03
NE (none)

RSP^E03 – HealthCare Services Invoice Status Query Response (event E03)

This message is used to respond to a QPB^E03 – Query HealthCare Services Invoice. It provides Invoice and invoice processing information to a Provider.

A QBP^E03 – Query HealthCare Services Invoice can be used to query against an Invoice or a specific Product/Service Line Item in an Invoice. The same response message, RSP^E03 – HealthCare Services Invoice Query Response, is used for both types of query.

Processing Rules:

  1. Provider Invoice Number + Payer Invoice Number + Product/Service Line Item Number on input message must exist on Payer Application's database and must point to the same Product/Service Line Item, otherwise an error must be generated (mismatched Invoice and/or Product/Service Line Item).

  2. Sending Organization and Sending Application on input message must be the same as the Sending Organization and Sending Application from the original Invoice (submitted via the EHC^E01 – Submit HealthCare Services Invoice message) for the specified Invoice being queried.

  3. A unique query identifier (Query Tag on QPD) must be generated for each query.

RSP^E03^RSP_E03: HealthCare Services Invoice Query Response
HL7 MessageStructure Table - RSP_E03
Segment Cardinality Must Implement Status
MSH 1..1 Yes
SFT 0..*
UAC 0..*
MSA 1..1 Yes
ERR 0..*
1..1 Yes
QAK 1..1 Yes
QPD 1..1 Yes
IPR 0..*

Original Mode Acknowledgement Choreography for RSP^E03^RSP_E03

Send An Acknowlegment is never sent in original mode.

Enhanced Mode Acknowledgement Choreography for RSP^E03^RSP_E03

When the MSH-15 value of a RSP^E03^RSP_E03 message is AL or ER or SU, an ACK^E03^ACK message SHALL be sent as an immediate ack.

When the MSH-15 value of a RSP^E03^RSP_E03 message is NE, an immediate ack SHALL NOT be sent.

Never send an application ack in enhanced mode.

Field Value Send Response
MSH-15 AL, ER, SU immediate ack: ACK^E03^ACK
NE (none)
MSH-16 NE (none)

EHC^E04 – Re-Assess HealthCare Services Invoice Request (event E04)

This message is used to submit a single Re-Assess HealthCare Services Invoice Request to a TPA/Payer for processing. The Re-Assess HealthCare Services Invoice Request is used by a Provider, to request review of a previously adjudicated HealthCare Services Invoice, with optional specification of a Product/Service Line Item within that Invoice. Note that the HealthCare Services Invoice need not necessarily be sent to a TPA/Payer using the EHC^E01 – Submit HealthCare Services Invoice: it may be manually submitted.

Adjudication for a HealthCare Services Invoice may be re-assessed either because background information, such as a Provider's billing rate may have changed or if some of the adjudication rules have changed since original adjudication of the Invoice.

This message cannot be used to change or delete information from the HealthCare Services Invoice. The only information allowed in this message are Provider Invoice Number and Payer Invoice Number, and optional notes to assist in the re-assessment by the TPA/Payer.

Processing Rules:

  1. The Provider Application and the Payer Application must uniquely identify each Invoice, Product/Service Group, Product/Service Line Item and Adjustment.
    These numbers appear as a pair on the IVC, PSG, PSL and ADJ segments and must be echoed on any subsequent interactions for the Invoice, group or line item between the Provider Application and Payer Application.

  2. The Provider Application and/or Payer Application may also supply a tracking number for each Product/Service Line Item it processes, specified as the Provider Tracking Number or Payer Tracking Number.
    The Provider Tracking Number and Payer Tracking Number must be echoed on any subsequent interactions for the Product/Service Line Item between the Provider Application and Payer Application.

EHC^E04^EHC_E04: Re-Assess HealthCare Services Invoice Request
HL7 MessageStructure Table - EHC_E04
Segment Cardinality Must Implement Status
MSH 1..1 Yes
SFT 0..*
UAC 0..*
IVC 1..1 Yes
NTE 0..*
PSS 1..1 Yes
PSG 1..1 Yes
PSL 0..*

Original Mode Acknowledgement Choreography for EHC^E04^EHC_E04

Send Application Ack: ACK^E04^ACK

Enhanced Mode Acknowledgement Choreography for EHC^E04^EHC_E04

When the MSH-15 value of an EHC^E04^EHC_E04 message is AL or ER or SU, an ACK^E04^ACK message SHALL be sent as an immediate ack.

When the MSH-15 value of an EHC^E04^EHC_E04 message is NE, an immediate ack SHALL NOT be sent.

When the MSH-16 value of an EHC^E04^EHC_E04 message is AL or ER or SU, an ACK^E04^ACK message SHALL be sent as an application ack.

When the MSH-16 value of an EHC^E04^EHC_E04 message is NE, an application ack SHALL NOT be sent.

Field Value Send Response
MSH-15 AL, ER, SU immediate ack: ACK^E04^ACK
NE (none)
MSH-16 AL, ER, SU application ack: ACK^E04^ACK
NE (none)

EHC^E10 – Edit/Adjudication Results (event E10)

This message is used to send edit and/or adjudication results for a HealthCare Services Invoice. Edit/Adjudication results are sent to the same Network Application ID that originated the Invoice, which was specified as the Sending Application on MSH on the original HealthCare Services Invoice.

This message is returned to a Provider Application each time an EHC^E01 – Submit HealthCare Services Invoice message is successfully processed by a Payer Application. As a minimum, the EHC^E10 – Edit/Adjudication Results message will contain the Payer Applications' Invoice number (Payer Invoice Number on IVC), status codes for each Product/Service Line Item in the Invoice and optionally, a tracking number for the Payer Application (Payer Tracking Number on PSL).

Note that an EHC^E12 – Request Additional Information (pending) is a valid response for an EHC^E01 – Submit HealthCare Services Invoice. In this case, the interactions would be EHC^E01 -> EHC^E12 (pending). If the Payer Application is able to process the Invoice on-line, the EHC^E10 – Edit/Adjudication Results message will contain the Invoice Processing Results portion completely filled out, indicating the results of the adjudication (e.g., paid as submitted, paid partial, etc.).

Processing Rules:

  1. The Provider Application and the Payer Application must uniquely identify each Invoice, Product/Service Group, Product/Service Line Item and Adjustment.
    These numbers appear as a pair on the IVC, PSG, PSL and ADJ segments and must be echoed on any subsequent interactions for the Invoice, group or line item between the Provider Application and Payer Application.

  2. The Provider Application and/or Payer Application may also supply a tracking number for each Product/Service Line Item it processes, specified as the Provider Tracking Number or Payer Tracking Number.
    The Provider Tracking Number and Payer Tracking Number must be echoed on any subsequent interactions for the Product/Service Line Item between the Provider Application and Payer Application.

  3. The EHC^E10 – Edit/Adjudication Results message must only report against one HealthCare Services Invoice within a message. In other words, each IPR in this message must have the same Provider Invoice Number on IVC and the same Payer Invoice Number for all repetitions of the IVC segment in this message.

  4. The Provider Invoice Number on IVC must be the same as the Provider Invoice Number on IVC as specified on the EHC^E01 input message. In other words, this message must be used to respond to the incoming EHC^E01 and not a previous EHC^E01 HealthCare Services Invoice. Only IPRs for the Invoice specified on the EHC^E01 may be included in the EHC^E10 response.

EHC^E10^EHC_E10: Edit/Adjudication Results
HL7 MessageStructure Table - EHC_E10
Segment Cardinality Must Implement Status
MSH 1..1 Yes
SFT 0..*
UAC 0..*
MSA 1..1 Yes
ERR 0..*
IPR 1..1 Yes
NTE 0..*
PYE 1..1 Yes
IN1 1..1 Yes
IN2 0..1
IVC 1..1 Yes
PSS 1..1 Yes
PSG 1..1 Yes
PSL 1..1 Yes
ADJ 0..*

Original Mode Acknowledgement Choreography for EHC^E10^EHC_E10

Send Application Ack: ACK^E10^ACK

Enhanced Mode Acknowledgement Choreography for EHC^E10^EHC_E10

When the MSH-15 value of an EHC^E10^EHC_E10 message is AL or ER or SU, an ACK^E10^ACK message SHALL be sent as an immediate ack.

When the MSH-15 value of an EHC^E10^EHC_E10 message is NE, an immediate ack SHALL NOT be sent.

When the MSH-16 value of an EHC^E10^EHC_E10 message is AL or ER or SU, an ACK^E10^ACK message SHALL be sent as an application ack.

When the MSH-16 value of an EHC^E10^EHC_E10 message is NE, an application ack SHALL NOT be sent.

Field Value Send Response
MSH-15 AL, ER, SU immediate ack: ACK^E10^ACK
NE (none)
MSH-16 AL, ER, SU application ack: ACK^E10^ACK
NE (none)

EHC^E12 – Request Additional Information (event E12)

A Payer or TPA uses this message to request additional information in support of an Invoice or a (Pre) Authorization Request. Normally, this request would be sent following receipt of an E01 or E20 message. However, it can also be sent following receipt of an E04 Re-Assess HealthCare Services Invoice Request. In this latter case the request for additional information still has as its object the original invoice (which is now under review) rather than the Re-assessment request per se.

The E12 can only be used to initiate a request for information and cannot be used to modify, place on hold or cancel an earlier request. This message cannot be used to convey information on the status of a claim and/or adjudication results (i.e., cannot be used in place of an E10 Edit/Adjudication Results message).

The scope of the request for additional information is defined through the inclusion of contextual data from the original Invoice or (Pre) Authorization Request. By specifying a particular Product/Service Group, patient and/or Product/Service Line item the requested information (e.g., a discharge narrative) is deemed to apply to those particular service events and not to any others which may have been part of the original Invoice or (Pre) Authorization Request.

In terms of absolute limits the E12 request is restricted to a single Product/Service Group from the original Invoice or (Pre) Authorization Request. Thereafter, the context can be more narrowly defined by inclusion of patient and/or Product/Service Line item information from within the same Product/Service Group. Thus, if a particular P/S Line Item is included, the message recipient must interpret this to mean that the request is related to that one line item. If the P/S Line Item is excluded the request is related to any and all line items in the original Product/Service Group. Similarly for patients: identification of a particular patient restricts the request to that patient alone, whereas omission of patient information means that the request applies to any and all patients identified in the original Product/Service Group.

The E12 message is restricted to zero or one patients and to zero or one Product/Service Line items. One consequence of these limits is that a Payer requiring information about a variety of patients or products/services from an original invoice may have to generate multiple (E12) requests.

The E12 message requires the use of LOINC classification standard to describe the information being requested (as do the E13/14 response messages). The codified request can also be supplemented by free-form text if greater specificity is required.

This message supports the use of pre-defined responses. That is, the sender specifies both the request as well as a range of possible answers for the recipient to choose from. This is an optional usage that is designed for real-time environments in which the Payer employs an adjudication engine to both solicit the additional information and manage the responses.

Processing Rules:

  1. The Payer application must have already received an Invoice, (Pre) Authorization Request or Re-assessment request before a Request for Additional Information can be issued.

  2. The Payer Application must uniquely identify each request. The Payer Application specifies its unique Request number as the Placer Order Number in the OBR segment. The number is comprised of the Payer Application's NAID + a unique sequence number.

  3. Interpretative Rule: Patient Consent. If Patient Consent in the RFI segment is marked "Y" (Yes) the Payer is signifying possession of proof of patient consent for release of confidential information.

  4. This request message is restricted to zero or one patients. If information is required for multiple patients in an original invoice or (pre) authorization request, a separate message is required for each individual.

  5. Interpretative Rule: If the optional PID segment is omitted, the receiving system will interpret this to mean that the information request applies to any and all patients associated with the Product/Service Group in the original Invoice or (Pre) Authorization request. (See E01 message for rules governing the construction of Product/Service Groups.)

  6. The Provider Organization, as identified in the IVC segment is normally responsible for responding to the request for additional information. However, the sender may identify an alternate individual or department as responsible for responding to the Request for Additional Information using the CTD segment of the Information Request. In such a case the Kept for backwards compatibility only. PRT and ROL should not both be used. field must be set to "FL" = Filler.

  7. All data supplied in the IVC, PSG, and PID segments must be identical to that in the original invoice or (pre) authorization request.

  8. With the exception of "Payer Tracking Number" and "Product/Service Line Item Status" all data supplied in the PSL segment must be identical to that in the original invoice or (pre) authorization request.

  9. Interpretive Rule: Inclusion of Product/Service Line item information implies that the request is directly related to the Product/Service described in PSL. Omitting this optional segment implies that the request is related to all product/service line items in the original Product/Service Group. (See E01 message for rules governing the construction of Product/Service Groups.)

EHC^E12^EHC_E12: Request Additional Information
HL7 MessageStructure Table - EHC_E12
Segment Cardinality Must Implement Status
MSH 1..1 Yes
SFT 0..*
UAC 0..*
RFI 1..1 Yes
CTD 0..*
IVC 1..1 Yes Identifier
PSS 1..1 Yes
PSG 1..1 Yes
PID 0..1
PRT 0..*
PSL 0..*
REQUEST 1..* Yes
CTD 0..1
OBR 1..1 Yes
PRT 0..*
NTE 0..1
OBX 0..*
PRT 0..*

Original Mode Acknowledgement Choreography for EHC^E12^EHC_E12

Send Application Ack: ACK^E12^ACK

Enhanced Mode Acknowledgement Choreography for EHC^E12^EHC_E12

When the MSH-15 value of an EHC^E12^EHC_E12 message is AL or ER or SU, an ACK^E12^ACK message SHALL be sent as an immediate ack.

When the MSH-15 value of an EHC^E12^EHC_E12 message is NE, an immediate ack SHALL NOT be sent.

When the MSH-16 value of an EHC^E12^EHC_E12 message is AL or ER or SU, an ACK^E12^ACK message SHALL be sent as an application ack.

When the MSH-16 value of an EHC^E12^EHC_E12 message is NE, an application ack SHALL NOT be sent.

Field Value Send Response
MSH-15 AL, ER, SU immediate ack: ACK^E12^ACK
NE (none)
MSH-16 AL, ER, SU application ack: ACK^E12^ACK
NE (none)

EHC^E13 – Additional Information Response (event E13)

This message is used by a Provider to immediately respond to an EHC^E12 Request for Additional Information, in other words an automated response. The EHC^E13 message cannot be sent unsolicited.

The EHC^E13 message supports three types of response modalities:

  • Free-form ASCII text. This is generally brief, descriptive text that is formulated to be read by a human recipient.

  • Attachments. The primary content is a multimedia attachment containing the information that has been requested. Depending upon agreements between the Provider and Payer this attachment may contain human-readable information, codified data that can be manipulated by an application, or some combination of the two.

  • Pre-defined responses. The Payer has posed both a question and a range of possible answers that the responder chooses from when formulating the reply. The question and answers are codified so that they can be manipulated by an application.

The structure of the EHC^E13 message closely follows that of the EHC^E12 request, which in turn is patterned on the Invoice or (Pre) Authorization which preceded the request for additional information. The hierarchical structural of the message indicates the context of the request for additional information and the data being supplied in the response. More specifically, the EHC^E12 request is formulated against a particular Product/Service Group (from the earlier Invoice or (Pre) Authorization Request) and may be further circumscribed by reference to a particular patient and/or Product/Service Line Item from within that Product/Service Group. The parameters set by the EHC^E12 request are re-iterated in the EHC^E13 response message so that the receiving system can interpret the return data in the appropriate context without necessarily having to refer to the original Invoice or (Pre) Authorization request.

Parties to the Request for Additional Information and the Response:

  • The individual or organization that initiates the request for additional information is described as the "Placer". (Normally, this would be the individual in the Payer organization that has placed the Invoice or (Pre) Authorization Request in suspense pending the return of the additional information that is being requested.)

  • The individual or organization that is responsible for the information being sent in reply is described as the "Filler". (Normally, the Primary Care Provider would be responsible for supplying the requested information however, in some cases the Payer and/or Provider may stipulate some other party as the Filler.)

  • The individual or organization that the response is to be directed to is described as the "Payer Contact".

The EHC^E13 message uses the LOINC classification standard to describe the information being sent. Local codes are also supported. The message allows the use of free-form text to supplement the coding schemes if greater specificity is required.

The EHC^E13 message supports the use of attachments. All attachments must follow the HL7 Claim Attachments implementation guide for additional information to support a healthcare claim or encounter standard that is described in Health Level Seven (HL7) Version 2.4 Standard; Implementation Guide: "Additional information message implementation guide, HL7 version 2.4 Standard, Release 1.0, NPRM Draft, December 11, 2001".

The EHC^E13 message supports the inclusion of multiple attachments, i.e., multiple instances of the ESDA, through repetition of the OBX segment. However, this use is NOT recommended. The ESDA specification permits multiple objects (documents, images etc.) to be imbedded in the attachment, so, when responding to a single OBR, a single OBX (with attached multi-part ESDA) should be the preferred method of returning the additional information.

Processing Rules:

  1. The Provider Application must uniquely identify each request. The Provider Application specifies its unique Request number as the Filler Order Number in the OBR segment. The number itself is comprised of the Provider Application's NAID + a unique sequence number.

  2. The Person or organization supplying the additional information is described as the "Filler" and must be identified in the CTD segment of the Information Request. When another party is responsible for producing a particular piece of data (e.g., an external laboratory) that Person or organization is described in the OBX fields: "Producer's ID" and/or "Responsible Observer".
    Usage: The Producer's ID field can be used to identify an external agency or organization that is responsible for the observation, e.g., a laboratory. The Responsible Observer field is used to describe the individual who either performed or verified the observation.
    If these fields are null the receiving system assumes that the Filler produced the results.

  3. All data supplied in the IVC, PSG, PID and PSL segments must be identical to that in the EHC^E12 Request message.

  4. Interpretive Rule: the presence of the PSL segment in the message indicates that the information supplied in the response message is directly related to the Product/Service described in the PSL segment.

  5. Interpretive Rule: the presence of the PID segment in the message indicates that the information supplied in the response message is directly related to the Patient described in the PID segment.

  6. If the Placer has supplied a set of pre-defined responses (i.e., the EHC^E12 message contains one or more OBX segments) then Observe Results Status must be completed. Valid value is "F" - Final value (an Affirmative response). Only OBX segments containing an Observe Results Status = "F" are included in the message.

  7. When attaching multimedia documents: OBX.2 is set to "ED", the mime-encoded document (per ESDA specification) is inserted in OBX.5 and the TXA segment must be completed. The Unique Document Identifier in TXA must be identical to the Health Document Reference Identifier in the ESDA header.

  8. Informative Rule: Document Confidentiality Status on TXA. When this optional field is completed it indicates that the Payer is to restrict access to the attached document according to the Payer's established policies and/or in accordance with prior business agreements between the Provider and Payer.

EHC^E13^EHC_E13: Additional Information Response
HL7 MessageStructure Table - EHC_E13
Segment Cardinality Must Implement Status
MSH 1..1 Yes
SFT 0..*
UAC 0..*
MSA 1..1 Yes
ERR 0..*
RFI 1..1 Yes
CTD 0..*
IVC 1..1 Yes
PSS 1..1 Yes
PSG 1..1 Yes
PID 0..1
PRT 0..*
PSL 0..1
REQUEST 1..* Yes
CTD 0..1
OBR 1..1 Yes
PRT 0..*
NTE 0..1
OBX 1..1 Yes
PRT 0..*
NTE 0..1
TXA 0..1

Original Mode Acknowledgement Choreography for EHC^E13^EHC_E13

Send Application Ack: ACK^E13^ACK

Enhanced Mode Acknowledgement Choreography for EHC^E13^EHC_E13

When the MSH-15 value of an EHC^E13^EHC_E13 message is AL or ER or SU, an ACK^E13^ACK message SHALL be sent as an immediate ack.

When the MSH-15 value of an EHC^E13^EHC_E13 message is NE, an immediate ack SHALL NOT be sent.

When the MSH-16 value of an EHC^E13^EHC_E13 message is AL or ER or SU, an ACK^E13^ACK message SHALL be sent as an application ack.

When the MSH-16 value of an EHC^E13^EHC_E13 message is NE, an application ack SHALL NOT be sent.

Field Value Send Response
MSH-15 AL, ER, SU immediate ack: ACK^E13^ACK
NE (none)
MSH-16 AL, ER, SU application ack: ACK^E13^ACK
NE (none)

EHC^E15 – Payment/Remittance Advice (event E15)

This message is used to send a payment/ remittance advice to a Payee for the payment of HealthCare Services Invoices and/or other adjustments. The Payment/Remittance Advice can be sent to the originating Provider Application (Network Application ID) or alternately to the Payee's Network Application ID, depending on how the Payee has been configured by the Payer. If a Payment/Remittance Advice is paid by check, it typically has a 1 to 1 correspondence with a check number. However, there are occasions when one check number covers multiple Payment/Remittance Advices. This message does not enforce a 1 to 1 relationship between check number and Payment/Remittance Advice. That is, the same check number (Check Number on PMT) can be used on multiple Payment/Remittance Advices.

A Payment/Remittance Advice may not be generated if a Payee is a Person and not an organization (Payee Type on PYE = "PERS" or "PPER").

Once an EHC^E15 message is prepared (which may be on a regular basis such as monthly or bi-weekly), it is either sent to the Provider Application (if the Provider Application is able to receive unsolicited results) or stored on a queue for the Provider Application. If left on a queue for the Provider Application, then the QBP^E99 message must be used by the Provider Application to poll the Payer Application for the EHC^E15.

Processing Rules:

  1. The Provider Application and the Payer Application must uniquely identify each Invoice, Product/Service Group, Product/Service Line Item and Adjustment.
    These numbers appear as a pair on the IVC, PSG, PSL and ADJ segments and must be echoed on any subsequent interactions for the Invoice, group or line item between the Provider Application and Payer Application.

  2. The Provider Application and/or Payer Application may also supply a tracking number for each Product/Service Line Item it processes, specified as the Provider Tracking Number or Payer Tracking Number.
    The Provider Tracking Number and Payer Tracking Number must be echoed on any subsequent interactions for the Product/Service Line Item between the Provider Application and Payer Application.

  3. The Payer Application must uniquely identify each Payment/Remittance Advice. The unique Payment/Remittance Advice identifier must be specified as Payment/Remittance Advice Number on PMT.

  4. At least one of Payment/Remittance Detail Information or Adjustment(s) to Payee block must be specified with this message (see EHC^E15 – Message Summary for details) to describe the details of the Payment/Remittance Advice.

  5. The Payment/Remittance Amount on PMT must equal to the sum of all Adjudicated/Paid Amount for all IPR segments PLUS the sum of all Adjudication/Paid Amounts for all ADJ segments in the Payment/Remittance Advice, excluding information adjustment types (Adjustment Category on ADJ = "IN").

EHC^E15^EHC_E15: Payment/Remittance Advice
HL7 MessageStructure Table - EHC_E15
Segment Cardinality Must Implement Status
MSH 1..1 Yes
SFT 0..*
UAC 0..*
1..1 Yes
PMT 1..1 Yes
PYE 1..1 Yes
IPR 1..1 Yes
IVC 1..1 Yes
PSS 1..1 Yes
PSG 1..1 Yes
PSL 1..1 Yes
ADJ 0..*
ADJ 1..1 Yes
PRT 0..1
ROL 0..1 B

Original Mode Acknowledgement Choreography for EHC^E15^EHC_E15

Send Application Ack: ACK^E15^ACK

Enhanced Mode Acknowledgement Choreography for EHC^E15^EHC_E15

When the MSH-15 value of an EHC^E15^EHC_E15 message is AL or ER or SU, an ACK^E15^ACK message SHALL be sent as an immediate ack.

When the MSH-15 value of an EHC^E15^EHC_E15 message is NE, an immediate ack SHALL NOT be sent.

When the MSH-16 value of an EHC^E15^EHC_E15 message is AL or ER or SU, an ACK^E15^ACK message SHALL be sent as an application ack.

When the MSH-16 value of an EHC^E15^EHC_E15 message is NE, an application ack SHALL NOT be sent.

Field Value Send Response
MSH-15 AL, ER, SU immediate ack: ACK^E15^ACK
NE (none)
MSH-16 AL, ER, SU application ack: ACK^E15^ACK
NE (none)

EHC^E20 – Submit Authorization Request (event E20)

This message is used to submit a single Authorization Request to a TPA/Payer for authorization (for payment). An Authorization Request is made for one or more patients and may include 1 or more Product/Service Line Items (detail lines), each of which represents a specific, billable item or Payer allowed Treatment Plan.

If the Authorization is approved, then the Payer Application will return either an Authorization Number (Authorization Identifier on AUT) or individual who has authorized the Authorization Request (Name of Authorizer on AUT). The Authorization Number is not the same number as the Authorization Request Number; the latter indicates the number used to identify the request for authorization. The presence of the AUT segment in the EHC^E24 – Authorization Request Response message implies authorization. However, the Authorization may be restricted, which is described as Payer Adjustments.

This message can be used to submit an Authorization Request or to resubmit an Authorization Request (in case it was not properly acknowledged the first time that it was submitted). This message cannot be used to update an Authorization Request (e.g., add or cancel Product/Service Line Items) or cancel an Authorization Request. To cancel an Authorization Request, use the EHC^E21 – Cancel Authorization Request message. To update an Authorization it must first be cancelled (see EHC^E21 – Cancel Authorization Request) and then re–submitted using this message with new Provider control numbers.

Processing Rules:

  1. The Provider Application and the Payer Application must uniquely identify each Authorization Request, Product/Service Group, Product/Service Line Item and Adjustment.
    These numbers appear as a pair on the IVC, PSG, PSL and ADJ segments and must be echoed on any subsequent interactions for the Authorization Request, group or line item between the Provider Application and Payer Application.

  2. The Provider Application and/or Payer Application may also supply a tracking number for each Product/Service Line Item it processes, specified as the Provider Tracking Number or Payer Tracking Number.
    If the Authorization Request is successfully accepted by the Payer Application, the Provider Application must store up to 2 tracking numbers for each Product/Service Line Item, if present in the message pair. The Payer Application must also store up to 2 tracking numbers for each Product/Service Line Item, if present in the message pair.
    The Provider Tracking Number and Payer Tracking Number must be echoed on any subsequent interactions for the Product/Service Line Item between the Provider Application and Payer Application.

  3. This message can contain only one Authorization Request, directed to a single Payer Organization, with multiple patients and multiple insurance policies for each patient. If there are multiple insurance policies and/or Payers identified for authorization, the EHC^E20 – Submit Authorization Request message must be sent to each TPA/Payer.

  4. Location Identification information, defined by the LOC segment, may be specified with the Authorization Request (header) or Product/Service Line Item.
    If specified with the Authorization Request (header), then the Location Identification information acts as a default for all Product/Service Line Items in the Authorization Request.
    If specified with the Product/Service Line Item, then the Location Identification information supersedes (replaces) any defaults set by specifying Location Identification information with the Authorization Request (header).

  5. Some Payers require Provider information to be included with an Authorization Request, which is defined by the ROL segment. In these situations, the ROL segment may be specified with the Authorization Request (header) and/or Product/Service Line Item.
    If specified with the Authorization Request (header), then the Provider Information acts as a default for all Product/Service Line Items in the Authorization Request.
    If specified with the Product/Service Line Item, then the Provider Information supersedes (replaces) any defaults set by specifying Provider information with the Authorization Request (header).
    Provider Information, if required by the Payer, must be specified with the Product/Service Line Item if it has not been defaulted for the Authorization Request (header).

  6. Product/Service Clarification Codes: Each Product/Service Line Item allows a number of clarification codes to be specified. These are specified as 2 fields: Product/Service Clarification Code Type and Product/Service Clarification Code Value. Both of these fields repeat within the PSL segment and must repeat the same number of times. For example, if 2 clarification codes are specified, then 2 repetitions of each field is required, the first repetition corresponding to the 1st clarification code, the second repetition corresponding to the 2nd clarification code.

EHC^E20^EHC_E20: Submit Authorization Request
HL7 MessageStructure Table - EHC_E20
Segment Cardinality Must Implement Status
MSH 1..1 Yes
SFT 0..*
UAC 0..*
PAT_INFO 1..1 Yes
IVC 1..1 Yes
CTD 1..* Yes
LOC 0..*
ROL 0..*
PAT_INFO 1..* Yes
PID 1..1 Yes
PRT 0..*
ACC 0..*
OBX 0..*
PRT 0..*
IN1 1..1 Yes
IN2 0..1
1..* Yes
DG1 1..1 Yes
NTE 0..*
PSL 1..1 Yes
NTE 0..*
ADJ 0..*
LOC 0..*
PRT 0..*
ROL 0..* B

Original Mode Acknowledgement Choreography for EHC^E20^EHC_E20

Send Application Ack: ACK^E20^ACK

Enhanced Mode Acknowledgement Choreography for EHC^E20^EHC_E20

When the MSH-15 value of an EHC^E20^EHC_E20 message is AL or ER or SU, an ACK^E20^ACK message SHALL be sent as an immediate ack.

When the MSH-15 value of an EHC^E20^EHC_E20 message is NE, an immediate ack SHALL NOT be sent.

When the MSH-16 value of an EHC^E20^EHC_E20 message is AL or ER or SU, an ACK^E20^ACK message SHALL be sent as an application ack.

When the MSH-16 value of an EHC^E20^EHC_E20 message is NE, an application ack SHALL NOT be sent.

Field Value Send Response
MSH-15 AL, ER, SU immediate ack: ACK^E20^ACK
NE (none)
MSH-16 AL, ER, SU application ack: ACK^E20^ACK
NE (none)

EHC^E21 – Cancel Authorization Request (event E21)

This message is used to cancel an Authorization Request, as a result of a previously submitted EHC^E20 – Submit Authorization Request message.

This message can be used to cancel the entire Authorization Request, or an individual Product/Service Line Item within an Authorization Request.

This message cannot be used to update ancillary information in an Authorization that has been submitted to a Payer. The original request must be cancelled, and a new Authorization Request submitted to the Payer.

Processing Rules:

  1. The Provider Application and the Payer Application must uniquely identify each Authorization Request, Product/Service Group, Product/Service Line Item and Adjustment.
    These numbers appear as a pair on the IVC, PSG, PSL and ADJ segments and must be echoed on any subsequent interactions for the Authorization Request, group or line item between the Provider Application and Payer Application.

  2. The Provider Application and/or Payer Application may also supply a tracking number for each Product/Service Line Item it processes, specified as the Provider Tracking Number or Payer Tracking Number.
    The Provider Tracking Number and Payer Tracking Number must be echoed on any subsequent interactions for the Product/Service Line Item between the Provider Application and Payer Application.

  3. An Authorization Request can be cancelled regardless of its status with the Payer (i.e., whether approved, denied, pending or status unknown).

  4. At least one NTE segment must be included with this message to describe the cancellation reason for each Product/Service Line Item. The NTE segment may be specified with the (Pr) Authorization Request (following the IVC segment) and applies to all Product/Service Line Items for that Authorization Request. If not specified with the Invoice, then it must be specified for each Product/Service Line Item (following the PSL segment).

  5. Sending Organization and Sending Application on input message must be the same as the Sending Organization and Sending Application from the original request (submitted via the EHC^E20 – Submit Authorization Request message).

  6. Provider reference numbers must exist on Payer Application's database and must point to the same Invoice, Product/Service Group or Product/Service Line Item; otherwise, an error must be generated (mismatched Invoice and/or Product/Service Line Item).

EHC^E21^EHC_E21: Cancel Authorization Request
HL7 MessageStructure Table - EHC_E21
Segment Cardinality Must Implement Status
MSH 1..1 Yes
SFT 0..*
UAC 0..*
IVC 1..1 Yes
PSL 1..1 Yes
NTE 0..*
AUT 0..1

Original Mode Acknowledgement Choreography for EHC^E21^EHC_E21

Send Application Ack: ACK^E21^ACK

Enhanced Mode Acknowledgement Choreography for EHC^E21^EHC_E21

When the MSH-15 value of an EHC^E21^EHC_E21 message is AL or ER or SU, an ACK^E21^ACK message SHALL be sent as an immediate ack.

When the MSH-15 value of an EHC^E21^EHC_E21 message is NE, an immediate ack SHALL NOT be sent.

When the MSH-16 value of an EHC^E21^EHC_E21 message is AL or ER or SU, an ACK^E21^ACK message SHALL be sent as an application ack.

When the MSH-16 value of an EHC^E21^EHC_E21 message is NE, an application ack SHALL NOT be sent.

Field Value Send Response
MSH-15 AL, ER, SU immediate ack: ACK^E21^ACK
NE (none)
MSH-16 AL, ER, SU application ack: ACK^E21^ACK
NE (none)

QBP^E22 – Query Authorization Request Status (event E22)

This message is used to query the status of an Authorization Request. There are 2 types of queries handled by this message: 1) a specific Authorization Request or 2) a specific Product/Service Line Item. If a Provider wants to obtain information on a group of Authorization Requests (e.g., submitted in a date range), each individual Authorization Request must be queried.

Note: The response to this query has the same content as an EHC^E24 – Authorization Response message.

Processing Rules:

  1. The Provider Application and the Payer Application must uniquely identify each Authorization Request, Product/Service Group, Product/Service Line Item and Adjustment.
    These numbers appear as a pair on the IVC, PSG, PSL and ADJ segments and must be echoed on any subsequent interactions for the Authorization Request, group or line item between the Provider Application and Payer Application.

  2. The Provider Application and/or Payer Application may also supply a tracking number for each Product/Service Line Item it processes, specified as the Provider Tracking Number or Payer Tracking Number.
    The Provider Tracking Number and Payer Tracking Number must be echoed on any subsequent interactions for the Product/Service Line Item between the Provider Application and Payer Application.

  3. A unique query identifier (Query Tag on QPD) must be generated for each query.

  4. Selection criteria for one of the 2 supported methods must be entered as below:

Query for a specific Authorization Request:

  • Sending Application on MSH.

  • Sending Organization from original Authorization Request (Sending Organization on QPD).

  • Provider Organization from original Authorization Request (Provider Organization on QPD).

  • Payer Organization from original Authorization Request (Payer Organization on QPD).

  • Provider Invoice Number on QPD.

  • Payer Invoice Number on QPD.

Query for a specific Product/Service Line Item - same as Query for a specific Authorization Request PLUS:

  • Product/Service Line Item (Product/Service Line Item Number on QPD).

  • Sending Organization and Sending Application on input message must be the same as the Sending Organization and Sending Application from the original Authorization Request (submitted via the EHC^E20 – Submit Authorization Request message).

  • Provider Invoice Number + Payer Invoice Number + Product/Service Line Item Number on input message must exist on Payer Application's database and must point to the same Product/Service Line Item, otherwise an error must be generated (mismatched Authorization Request and/or Product/Service Line Item).

QBP^E22^QBP_E22: Query Authorization Request
HL7 MessageStructure Table - QBP_E03
Segment Cardinality Must Implement Status
MSH 1..1 Yes
SFT 0..*
UAC 0..*
1..1 Yes
QPD 1..1 Yes
RCP 1..1 Yes

Original Mode Acknowledgement Choreography for QBP^E22^QBP_E22

Send Application Ack: RSP^E22^RSP_E22

Enhanced Mode Acknowledgement Choreography for QBP^E22^QBP_E22

When the MSH-15 value of a QBP^E22^QBP_E22 message is AL or ER or SU, an ACK^E22^ACK message SHALL be sent as an immediate ack.

When the MSH-15 value of a QBP^E22^QBP_E22 message is NE, an immediate ack SHALL NOT be sent.

When the MSH-16 value of a QBP^E22^QBP_E22 message is AL or ER or SU, a RSP^E22^RSP_E22 message SHALL be sent as an application ack.

When the MSH-16 value of a QBP^E22^QBP_E22 message is NE, an application ack SHALL NOT be sent.

Field Value Send Response
MSH-15 AL, ER, SU immediate ack: ACK^E22^ACK
NE (none)
MSH-16 AL, ER, SU application ack: RSP^E22^RSP_E22
NE (none)

RSP^E22 – Authorization Request Status Query Response (event E22)

This message is used to respond to a QPB^E22 – Query Authorization Request Status. It provides Authorization status information to a Provider.

A QBP^E22 – Query Authorization Request Status can be used to query against a Authorization Request or a specific Product/Service Line Item in a Authorization Request. The same response message, RSP^E22 – Authorization Request Query Response, is used for both types of query.

Processing Rules:

  1. Provider Invoice Number + Payer Invoice Number + Product/Service Line Item Number on input message must exist on Payer Application's database and must point to the same Product/Service Line Item; otherwise, an error must be generated (mismatched Authorization Request and/or Product/Service Line Item).

  2. Sending Organization and Sending Application on input message must be the same as the Sending Organization and Sending Application from the original Authorization Request (submitted via the EHC^E20 – Submit Authorization Request message) for the specified Authorization Request being queried.

  3. A unique query identifier (Query Tag on QPD) must be generated for each query.

RSP^E22^RSP_E22: Authorization Request Query Response
HL7 MessageStructure Table - RSP_E22
Segment Cardinality Must Implement Status
MSH 1..1 Yes
SFT 0..*
UAC 0..*
MSA 1..1 Yes
ERR 0..*
QAK 1..1 Yes
QPD 1..1 Yes
IVC 1..1 Yes
PSG 1..1 Yes
PSL 1..1 Yes

Original Mode Acknowledgement Choreography for RSP^E22^RSP_E22

Send An Acknowlegment is never sent in original mode.

Enhanced Mode Acknowledgement Choreography for RSP^E22^RSP_E22

When the MSH-15 value of a RSP^E22^RSP_E22 message is AL or ER or SU, an ACK^E22^ACK message SHALL be sent as an immediate ack.

When the MSH-15 value of a RSP^E22^RSP_E22 message is NE, an immediate ack SHALL NOT be sent.

Never send an application ack in enhanced mode.

Field Value Send Response
MSH-15 AL, ER, SU immediate ack: ACK^E22^ACK
NE (none)
MSH-16 NE (none)

EHC^E24 – Authorization Response (event E24)

This message is used to send results of an Authorization Request to a Provider Application. Authorization results are sent to the same Network Application ID that originated the Authorization Request, which was specified as the Sending Application on MSH on the original Authorization Request.

If the Payer Application is able to process the Authorization Request on-line, the EHC^E24 – Authorization Response message will contain the results of the authorization (e.g., approved, not approved).

If the Payer Application is not able to process the Authorization Request on-line, it creates an EHC^E24 – Authorization Response message once it has processed the Authorization Request (which may be the next day following receipt of the EHC^E20). Once prepared, the EHC^E24 is either sent to the Provider Application (if the Provider Application is able to receive unsolicited results) or stored on a queue for the Provider Application. If left on a queue for the Provider Application, then the QBP^E99 message must be used by the Provider Application to poll the Payer Application for the EHC^E24. If the Authorization is approved, then the Payer Application will return either an Authorization Number (Authorization Identifier on AUT) or individual who has authorized the Authorization Request (Name of Authorizer on AUT). The presence of the AUT segment in the EHC^E24 – Authorization Request Response message implies authorization has been granted. However, the Authorization may be restricted. Restrictions are specified under Payer Adjustments.

Processing Rules:

  1. The Provider Application and the Payer Application must uniquely identify each Authorization Request, Product/Service Group, Product/Service Line Item and Adjustment.
    These numbers appear as a pair on the IVC, PSG, PSL and ADJ segments and must be echoed on any subsequent interactions for the Authorization Request, group or line item between the Provider Application and Payer Application.

  2. The Provider Application and/or Payer Application may also supply a tracking number for each Product/Service Line Item it processes, specified as the Provider Tracking Number or Payer Tracking Number.
    The Provider Tracking Number and Payer Tracking Number must be echoed on any subsequent interactions for the Product/Service Line Item between the Provider Application and Payer Application.

  3. The presence of the AUT segment in the EHC^E24 – Authorization Response message indicates the Payer's approval of the Authorization Request (with or without Payer Adjustments).

  4. If the AUT segment is specified, then either the Authorization Identifier on AUT or Name of Authorizer on AUT must be specified.

  5. The Provider Invoice Number on IVC must be the same as the Provider Invoice Number on IVC as specified on the EHC^E20 input message. In other words, this message must be used to respond to the incoming EHC^E20 and not a previous EHC^E20 Authorization Request.

EHC^E24^EHC_E24: Authorization Response
HL7 MessageStructure Table - EHC_E24
Segment Cardinality Must Implement Status
MSH 1..1 Yes
SFT 0..*
UAC 0..*
MSA 1..1 Yes
ERR 0..*
IVC 1..1 Yes
PSL 1..1 Yes
AUT 0..1
ADJ 0..*

Original Mode Acknowledgement Choreography for EHC^E24^EHC_E24

Send Application Ack: ACK^E24^ACK

Enhanced Mode Acknowledgement Choreography for EHC^E24^EHC_E24

When the MSH-15 value of an EHC^E24^EHC_E24 message is AL or ER or SU, an ACK^E24^ACK message SHALL be sent as an immediate ack.

When the MSH-15 value of an EHC^E24^EHC_E24 message is NE, an immediate ack SHALL NOT be sent.

When the MSH-16 value of an EHC^E24^EHC_E24 message is AL or ER or SU, an ACK^E24^ACK message SHALL be sent as an application ack.

When the MSH-16 value of an EHC^E24^EHC_E24 message is NE, an application ack SHALL NOT be sent.

Field Value Send Response
MSH-15 AL, ER, SU immediate ack: ACK^E24^ACK
NE (none)
MSH-16 AL, ER, SU application ack: ACK^E24^ACK
NE (none)

EHC^E30 – Submit Health Document related to Authorization Request (event E30)

Not yet defined.

EHC^E31 – Cancel Health Document related to Authorization Request (event E31)

Not yet defined.

Message Segments

RFI - Request For Information Segment

HL7 Attribute Table - RFI - Request for Information Segment
Seq# DataElement Description Must Implement Flags Cardinality Length C.LEN Vocabulary DataType
1 01910 Request Date SHALL [1..1] DTM
2 01911 Response Due Date SHALL [1..1] DTM
3 01912 Patient Consent [0..1] [1..1] ID
4 01913 Date Additional Information Was Submitted [0..1] DTM

RFI-1: Request Date (DTM) 01910


RFI-2: Response Due Date (DTM) 01911

Definition: The latest date by which the additional information is to be returned to requestor.

RFI-3: Patient Consent (ID) 01912

Definition: Code indicating if the Payer has obtained patient consent for release of information (1) – Optional. Refer to HL7 Table 0136 – Yes/No Indicator for suggested values.

RFI-4: Date Additional Information Was Submitted (DTM) 01913

Definition: The date on which the information was assembled for transmission to the Payer. Not necessarily the same as the message date.

IVC - Invoice Segment

The Invoice segment is used for HealthCare Services Invoices and contains header style information for an invoice including invoice numbers, Provider Organization and Payer Organization identification.

HL7 Attribute Table - IVC - Invoice Segment
Seq# DataElement Description Must Implement Flags Cardinality Length C.LEN Vocabulary DataType
1 01914 Provider Invoice Number SHALL [1..1] EI
2 01915 Payer Invoice Number [0..1] EI
3 01916 Contract/Agreement Number [0..1] EI
4 01917 Invoice Control SHALL [1..1] CWE
5 01918 Invoice Reason SHALL [1..1] CWE
6 01919 Invoice Type SHALL [1..1] CWE
7 01920 Invoice Date/Time SHALL [1..1] DTM
8 01921 Invoice Amount SHALL [1..1] CP
9 01922 Payment Terms = [0..1] 80 ST
10 01923 Provider Organization SHALL [1..1] XON
11 01924 Payer Organization SHALL [1..1] XON
12 01925 Attention [0..1] XCN
13 01926 Last Invoice Indicator [0..1] [1..1] ID
14 01927 Invoice Booking Period [0..1] DTM
15 01928 Origin = [0..1] 250 ST
16 01929 Invoice Fixed Amount [0..1] CP
17 01930 Special Costs [0..1] CP
18 01931 Amount for Doctors Treatment [0..1] CP
19 01932 Responsible Physician [0..1] XCN
20 01933 Cost Center [0..1] CX
21 01934 Invoice Prepaid Amount [0..1] CP
22 01935 Total Invoice Amount without Prepaid Amount [0..1] CP

01936 Total-Amount of VAT MAY
24 01937 VAT-Rates applied = [0..*] 1..5 NM
25 01938 Benefit Group SHALL [1..1] CWE
26 02038 Provider Tax ID = [0..1] 20 ST
27 02039 Payer Tax ID = [0..1] 20 ST
28 02040 Provider Tax Status [0..1] CWE
29 02041 Payer Tax Status [0..1] CWE
30 02042 Sales Tax ID = [0..1] 20 ST

IVC-1: Provider Invoice Number (EI) 01914

Definition: Unique Invoice Number assigned by the Provider Application.

IVC-2: Payer Invoice Number (EI) 01915

Definition: Unique Invoice Number assigned by the Payer Application.

IVC-3: Contract/Agreement Number (EI) 01916

Definition: Contract/agreement number issued by Payer which must be specified in some circumstances by the Provider.

IVC-4: Invoice Control (CWE) 01917

Definition: Code indicating what action is being performed by this message. Refer to User-defined Table 0553 – Invoice Control Code in Chapter 2C, Code Tables, for suggested values.

IVC-5: Invoice Reason (CWE) 01918

Definition: Code describing reason for this Invoice. Refer to User-defined Table 0554 – Invoice Reason Codes in Chapter 2C, Code Tables, for suggested values.

IVC-6: Invoice Type (CWE) 01919

Definition: Code indicating the type of Invoice. Refer to User-defined Table 0555 – Invoice Type in Chapter 2C, Code Tables, for suggested values.

IVC-7: Invoice Date/Time (DTM) 01920

Definition: Date Invoice was created.

IVC-8: Invoice Amount (CP) 01921

Definition: Sum total of Product/Service Billed Amount on PSL for all Product/Service Line Items for this Invoice.

IVC-9: Payment Terms (ST) 01922

Definition: Terms for Payer payment of Invoice (e.g., 24% net 30 days).

IVC-10: Provider Organization (XON) 01923

Definition: Business organization that is responsible for the invoice (e.g., Provider organization, clinic organization).

IVC-11: Payer Organization (XON) 01924

Definition: The business organization that is designated as Payer for this Invoice. This Payer may be the primary, secondary, tertiary Payer, depending on Insurance Information specified in the Invoice

IVC-12: Attention (XCN) 01925

Definition: Attention to individual in Payer Organization who needs to review this Invoice.

IVC-13: Last Invoice Indicator (ID) 01926

Definition: Can be set to indicate that this is the last Invoice for a particular Case, Claim and/or Encounter (1). Refer to HL7 Table 0136 – Yes/No Indicator for suggested values.

IVC-14: Invoice Booking Period (DTM) 01927

Definition: Period in which the invoice must be booked.

IVC-15: Origin (ST) 01928

Definition: Responsible Person for this specific invoice. For more structured output use CTD-Segment instead.

IVC-16: Invoice Fixed Amount (CP) 01929

Definition: Fixed Amount for this invoice.

IVC-17: Special Costs (CP) 01930

Definition: Special costs for this invoice.

IVC-18: Amount for Doctors Treatment (CP) 01931

Definition: Special amount for doctor's treatment.

IVC-19: Responsible Physician (XCN) 01932

Definition: Doctor who is responsible for this invoice.

IVC-20: Cost Center (CX) 01933

(Definition from IVC.20 in Ch. 16)

Definition: Cost centers are organizational units or activities that provide goods and services. In this context, it would be the department which delivered the Service/Product Line Item, e.g., Radiology, Emergency Room.

(Definition from PSL.25 in Ch. 16)

Definition: Cost centers are organizational units or activities that provide goods and services. In this context, it would be the department which delivered the Service/Product Line Item, e.g., Radiology, Emergency Room.

IVC-21: Invoice Prepaid Amount (CP) 01934

Definition: Deposit paid to the service Provider prior to admission

IVC-22: Total Invoice Amount without Prepaid Amount (CP) 01935

Definition: Total amount of Invoice without the prepaid deposit (IV-8 minus IVC-21).

IVC-23: Total-Amount of VAT (CP) 01936

Definition: Total Amount of VAT included in the Total Invoice Amount (IVC-8)

IVC-24: VAT-Rates applied (NM) 01937

Definition: Applied VAT Rates on Invoice. Multiple VAT-rates may be applied according to the type of service

IVC-25: Benefit Group (CWE) 01938

Definition: Code indicating the Benefit group. Refer to User-defined Table 0556 – Benefit Group in Chapter 2C, Code Tables, for suggested values.

IVC-26: Provider Tax ID (ST) 02038

Definition: The Tax ID of the Provider (general Tax identification number or VAT number).

IVC-27: Payer Tax ID (ST) 02039

Definition: The Tax ID of the Payer (general Tax identification number or VAT number)

IVC-28: Provider Tax Status (CWE) 02040

Definition: Code indicating the tax status of the provider. Refer to User-defined Table 0572 – Tax status in Chapter 2C, Code Tables, for suggested values.

IVC-29: Payer Tax Status (CWE) 02041

Definition: Code indicating the tax status of the payer. Refer to User-defined Table 0572 – Tax status in Chapter 2C, Code Tables, for suggested values.

IVC-30: Sales Tax ID (ST) 02042

Definition: The Tax ID specific to Sales Tax

PYE - Payee Information Segment

This segment is used to define payee information.

HL7 Attribute Table - PYE - Payee Information Segment
Seq# DataElement Description Must Implement Flags Cardinality Length C.LEN Vocabulary DataType
1 01939 Set ID – PYE SHALL [1..1] [1..4] SI
2 01940 Payee Type SHALL [1..1] CWE

01941 Payee Relationship to Invoice MAY

01942 Payee Identification List MAY

01943 Payee Person Name MAY

01944 Payee Address MAY
7 01945 Payment Method [0..1] CWE

PYE-1: Set ID – PYE (SI) 01939

Definition: Sequence Number.

PYE-2: Payee Type (CWE) 01940

Definition: Type of Payee (e.g., Organization, Person). Refer to User-defined Table 0557 – Payee Type in Chapter 2C, Code Tables, for suggested values.

PYE-3: Payee Relationship to Invoice (CWE) 01941

Definition: Conditional or empty: if Payee Type in list ("PERS", "PPER"), then Required, else Not Permitted.

For Person Payee Types, the relationship to Invoice. Refer to User-defined Table 0558 – Payee Relationship to Invoice in Chapter 2C, Code Tables, for suggested values.

PYE-4: Payee Identification List (XON) 01942

Definition: Conditional or empty: if Payee Type in list ("PPER", "ORG"), then Required, else Not Permitted.

Payee or Business Arrangement identification information; up to 5; defined by Payer/Provider agreement.

PYE-5: Payee Person Name (XPN) 01943

Definition: Conditional or empty: if Payee Type = ("PERS", "PPER), then Required, else Not Permitted.

Individual's name; may be a patient's name or other individual.

PYE-6: Payee Address (XAD) 01944

Definition: Conditional or empty: if Payee Type = ("PERS", "PPER), then Required, else Not Permitted.

Address for payee. If not specified, then Payer will use address on file for this Payee, if applicable. If Payee is an individual, then this address can be used to send a check.

PYE-7: Payment Method (CWE) 01945

Definition: For Payee organizations that have more than one payment method.

If for individual, then we may also need to indicate EFT, bank info, etc.

Refer to User-defined Table 0570 – Payment Method Code in Chapter 2C, Code Tables, for suggested values.

PSS - Product/Service Section Segment

The Product/Service Section segment is used to form a logical grouping of Product/Service Group segments, Patients and Response Summaries for a particular Invoice.

HL7 Attribute Table - PSS - Product/Service Section Segment
Seq# DataElement Description Must Implement Flags Cardinality Length C.LEN Vocabulary DataType
1 01946 Provider Product/Service Section Number SHALL [1..1] EI
2 01947 Payer Product/Service Section Number [0..1] EI
3 01948 Product/Service Section Sequence Number SHALL [1..1] [1..4] SI
4 01949 Billed Amount SHALL [1..1] CP
5 02043 Section Description or Heading SHALL # [1..1] 254 ST

PSS-1: Provider Product/Service Section Number (EI) 01946

Definition: Unique Product/Service Section Number assigned by the Provider Application.

PSS-2: Payer Product/Service Section Number (EI) 01947

Definition: Unique Product/Service Section Number assigned by the Payer Application.

PSS-3: Product/Service Section Sequence Number (SI) 01948

Definition: Unique sequence number for the Product/Service Section (3) – starts with 1, then 2, etc. for each unique Product/Service Section in this Invoice.

PSS-4: Billed Amount (CP) 01949

Definition: Sum of all Product/Service Billed Amounts for all Product/Service Line Items for this Product/Service Section.

PSS-5: Section Description or Heading (ST) 02043

Definition: Section description or heading.

PSG - Product/Service Group Segment

The Product/Service Group segment is used to form a logical grouping of Product/Service Line Items, Patients and Response Summaries for a particular Invoice. For example, a Product/Service Group can be used to group all Product/Service Line Items that must be adjudicated as a group in order to be paid.

HL7 Attribute Table - PSG - Product/Service Group Segment
Seq# DataElement Description Must Implement Flags Cardinality Length C.LEN Vocabulary DataType
1 01950 Provider Product/Service Group Number SHALL [1..1] EI
2 01951 Payer Product/Service Group Number [0..1] EI
3 01952 Product/Service Group Sequence Number SHALL [1..1] [1..4] SI
4 01953 Adjudicate as Group SHALL [1..1] [1..1] ID
5 01954 Product/Service Group Billed Amount SHALL [1..1] CP
6 02044 Product/Service Group Description SHALL # [1..1] 254 ST

PSG-1: Provider Product/Service Group Number (EI) 01950

Definition: Unique Product/Service Group Number assigned by the Provider Application.

PSG-2: Payer Product/Service Group Number (EI) 01951

Definition: Unique Product/Service Group Number assigned by the Payer Application

PSG-3: Product/Service Group Sequence Number (SI) 01952

Definition: Unique sequence number for the Product/Service Group (3) – starts with 1, then 2, etc. for each unique Product/Service Group in this Invoice.

PSG-4: Adjudicate as Group (ID) 01953

Definition: Adjudicate all Product/Service Line Items together as a group (IPRs will be reported against the Product/Service Group). Refer to HL7 Table 0136 – Yes/No Indicator in Chapter 2C, Code Tables, for suggested values.

PSG-5: Product/Service Group Billed Amount (CP) 01954

Definition: Sum of all Product/Service Billed Amounts for all Product/Service Line Items for this Product/Service Group.

PSG-6: Product/Service Group Description (ST) 02044

Definition: Product/Service Group description or heading

PSL - Product/Service Line Item Segment

The Product/Service Line Item segment is used to identify individual product/service items that typically are aggregated into an Invoice. Each instance of a Product/Service Line Item corresponds to a unique product delivered or service rendered.

HL7 Attribute Table - PSL - Product/Service Line Item Segment
Seq# DataElement Description Must Implement Flags Cardinality Length C.LEN Vocabulary DataType
1 01955 Provider Product/Service Line Item Number SHALL [1..1] EI
2 01956 Payer Product/Service Line Item Number [0..1] EI
3 01957 Product/Service Line Item Sequence Number SHALL [1..1] [1..4] SI
4 01958 Provider Tracking ID [0..1] EI
5 01959 Payer Tracking ID [0..1] EI
6 01960 Product/Service Line Item Status SHALL [1..1] CWE
7 01961 Product/Service Code SHALL [1..1] CWE
8 01962 Product/Service Code Modifier [0..0] CWE
9 01963 Product/Service Code Description # [0..1] 80 ST

01964 Product/Service Effective Date MAY
11 01965 Product/Service Expiration Date [0..1] DTM

01966 Product/Service Quantity MAY

01967 Product/Service Unit Cost MAY

01968 Number of Items per Unit MAY
10 NM

01969 Product/Service Gross Amount MAY

01970 Product/Service Billed Amount MAY
17 01971 Product/Service Clarification Code Type [0..0] CWE
18 01972 Product/Service Clarification Code Value = [0..0] 40 ST
19 01973 Health Document Reference Identifier [0..0] EI
20 01974 Processing Consideration Code [0..0] CWE
21 01975 Restricted Disclosure Indicator SHALL [1..1] [1..4] ID
22 01976 Related Product/Service Code Indicator [0..1] CWE
23 01977 Product/Service Amount for Physician [0..1] CP
24 01978 Product/Service Cost Factor # [0..1] 5 NM
25 01933 Cost Center [0..1] CX
26 01980 Billing Period [0..1] DR
27 01981 Days without Billing = [0..1] 5 NM
28 01982 Session-No [0..1] [1..4] NM
29 01983 Executing Physician ID [0..1] XCN
30 01984 Responsible Physician ID [0..1] XCN
31 01985 Role Executing Physician [0..1] CWE
32 01986 Medical Role Executing Physician [0..1] CWE
33 01987 Side of body [0..1] CWE
34 01988 Number of TP's PP # [0..1] 6 NM
35 01989 TP-Value PP [0..1] CP
36 01990 Internal Scaling Factor PP # [0..1] 4 NM
37 01991 External Scaling Factor PP # [0..1] 4 NM
38 01992 Amount PP [0..1] CP
39 01993 Number of TP's Technical Part # [0..1] 6 NM
40 01994 TP-Value Technical Part [0..1] CP
41 01995 Internal Scaling Factor Technical Part # [0..1] 4 NM
42 01996 External Scaling Factor Technical Part # [0..1] 4 NM
43 01997 Amount Technical Part [0..1] CP
44 01998 Total Amount Professional Part + Technical Part [0..1] CP
45 01999 VAT-Rate = [0..1] 3 NM
46 02000 Main-Service [0..1] [1..20] ID
47 02001 Validation [0..1] [1..1] ID
48 02002 Comment = [0..1] 255 ST

PSL-1: Provider Product/Service Line Item Number (EI) 01955

Definition: Unique Product/Service Line Item Number assigned by the Provider Application.

PSL-2: Payer Product/Service Line Item Number (EI) 01956

Definition: Unique Product/Service Line Item Number assigned by the Payer Application.

PSL-3: Product/Service Line Item Sequence Number (SI) 01957

Definition: Unique sequence number for the Product/Service Line Item – starts with 1, then 2, etc. for each unique Product/Service Line Item in this Invoice.

PSL-4: Provider Tracking ID (EI) 01958

Definition: Identifier for this Product/Service Line Item assigned by the Provider Application. This will be echoed on all interactions between participants for this Product/Service Line Item.

PSL-5: Payer Tracking ID (EI) 01959

Definition: Identifier for this Product/Service Line Item assigned by the Payer Application. This will be echoed on all interactions between participants for this Product/Service Line Item.

PSL-6: Product/Service Line Item Status (CWE) 01960

Definition: Processing status for the Product/Service Code. Refer to User-defined Table 0559 – Product/Service Status in Chapter 2C, Code Tables, for suggested values.

PSL-7: Product/Service Code (CWE) 01961

Definition: Code describing the service that was delivered/received. Refer to User-defined Table 0879 – Product/Service Code in Chapter 2C, Code Tables, for suggested values.

PSL-8: Product/Service Code Modifier (CWE) 01962

Definition: Additional optional modifier(s) for the Product/Service Code (e.g., after hours – evening, after hours – weekend); repeats up to 5 times. Refer to User-defined Table 0880 – Product/Service Code Modifier in Chapter 2C, Code Tables, for suggested values.

PSL-9: Product/Service Code Description (ST) 01963

Definition: Text describing Product/Service Code in PSL.

PSL-10: Product/Service Effective Date (DTM) 01964

Definition: [ Start ] Date/Time product/service was delivered/received.

PSL-11: Product/Service Expiration Date (DTM) 01965

Definition: [ End ] Date/Time product/service was delivered/received. If specified, must be greater than or equal to Product/Service Effective Date.

PSL-12: Product/Service Quantity (CQ) 01966

Definition: Amount that has been negotiated for this Product/Service Code on PSL between a Provider and Payer for each unit. Refer to User-defined Table 0560 – Quantity Units in Chapter 2C, Code Tables, for valid values.

PSL-13: Product/Service Unit Cost (CP) 01967

Definition: This field contains the cost per unit either in monetary amount or in points.


1. Qty * cost/unit = gross amount

2. Qty * cost/unit * factor = gross amount

3. Qty * cost/point * factor * points = gross amount

PSL-14: Number of Items per Unit (NM) 01968

Definition: Number of items in each unit – for Services, this should be set to 1.

PSL-15: Product/Service Gross Amount (CP) 01969

Definition: = Product/Service Quantity * Product/Service Unit Cost

PSL-16: Product/Service Billed Amount (CP) 01970

Definition: Amount that is being billed for this Product/Service Code on PSL, = Product/Service Gross Amount + sum of all Product/Service Adjustments on ADJ for this Product/Service Line Item.

= Product/Service Gross Amount + sum of all Product/Service Adjustments on ADJ

PSL-17: Product/Service Clarification Code Type (CWE) 01971

Definition: Additional codes describing the Product/Service Code on PSL – examples are Northern Allowance, Data Center Numbers, Sequence Numbers; repeats with Product/Service Clarification Code Value. Refer to User-defined Table 0561 – Product/Services Clarification Codes in Chapter 2C, Code Tables, for suggested values.

PSL-18: Product/Service Clarification Code Value (ST) 01972

Definition: Actual value for Product/Service Clarification Code Type (40) – examples are "Y", "N" for Northern Allowance, an actual number for a Data Center Number; repeats with Product/Service Clarification Code Type.

Repeats with Product/Service Clarification Code Type.

PSL-19: Health Document Reference Identifier (EI) 01973

Definition: Health Documents (electronic or paper) that support this Product/Service Line Item. This includes such health documents as forms used to register a claim with a Payer, reports, medical images, etc.

PSL-20: Processing Consideration Code (CWE) 01974

Definition: Codes indicating special processing requested of Payer for this Product/Service Line Item (e.g., hold until paper supporting documentation is received by Payer). Refer to User-defined Table 0562 – Processing Consideration Codes in Chapter 2C, Code Tables, for suggested values.

PSL-21: Restricted Disclosure Indicator (ID) 01975

Definition: Set to "Yes" if information on this invoice should be treated with increased confidentiality/security. Refer to User-defined Table 0532 – Expanded Yes/No Indicator in Chapter 2C, Code Tables, for suggested values.

PSL-22: Related Product/Service Code Indicator (CWE) 01976

Definition: Two Product /Service Line Items (PSL-7) may be in a relation to each other. One could be an addition to another. In this case this field contains the Code of PSL-7 of the "master" Product/Service Line Item. Refer to User-defined Table 0879 – Product/Service Code in Chapter 2C, Code Tables, for suggested values.

PSL-23: Product/Service Amount for Physician (CP) 01977

Definition: Monetary Amount of product/service item which is for the physician.

PSL-24: Product/Service Cost Factor (NM) 01978

Definition: Factor to increase the billed amount.

PSL-25: Cost Center (CX) 01933

(Definition from IVC.20 in Ch. 16)

Definition: Cost centers are organizational units or activities that provide goods and services. In this context, it would be the department which delivered the Service/Product Line Item, e.g., Radiology, Emergency Room.

(Definition from PSL.25 in Ch. 16)

Definition: Cost centers are organizational units or activities that provide goods and services. In this context, it would be the department which delivered the Service/Product Line Item, e.g., Radiology, Emergency Room.

PSL-26: Billing Period (DR) 01980

Definition: Begin and end of billing period.

PSL-27: Days without Billing (NM) 01981

Definition: Number of Days for which no invoice is created.

PSL-28: Session-No (NM) 01982

Definition: Several line items may be grouped to a session.

PSL-29: Executing Physician ID (XCN) 01983

Definition: ID of the physician who is providing the Service, e.g., executing the radiology-exam (EAN ID = European Article Numbering).

PSL-30: Responsible Physician ID (XCN) 01984

Definition: ID of the physician who is responsible for the Service.

PSL-31: Role Executing Physician (CWE) 01985

Definition: Account role of the physician, for example only billing for the professional part, the technical part or both. Refer to User-defined Table 0881 – Role Executing Physician in Chapter 2C, Code Tables, for suggested values.

PSL-32: Medical Role Executing Physician (CWE) 01986

Definition: The role of the Physician ("self-employed" or "employed"). Refer to User-defined Table 0882 – Medical Role Executing Physician in Chapter 2C, Code Tables, for suggested values.

PSL-33: Side of body (CWE) 01987

Definition: Left / right. Refer to User-defined Table 0894 – Side of Body in Chapter 2C, Code Tables, for suggested values.

PSL-34: Number of TP's PP (NM) 01988

Definition: Cost of the service "professional part" expressed in "points".

PSL-35: TP-Value PP (CP) 01989

Definition: Monetary Value of one "point" for the professional part of the service.

PSL-36: Internal Scaling Factor PP (NM) 01990

Definition: Internal Scaling Factor for the amount of the professional part of the service.

PSL-37: External Scaling Factor PP (NM) 01991

Definition: External Scaling Factor for the amount of the professional part of the service.

PSL-38: Amount PP (CP) 01992

Definition: Total Amount for the professional part of this service.

PSL-39: Number of TP's Technical Part (NM) 01993

Definition: Cost of the service (Technical Part) expressed in "points".

PSL-40: TP-Value Technical Part (CP) 01994

Definition: Monetary Value of one "point" for the technical part of the service.

PSL-41: Internal Scaling Factor Technical Part (NM) 01995

Definition: Internal Scaling Factor for the amount of the technical part of the service.

PSL-42: External Scaling Factor Technical Part (NM) 01996

Definition: External Scaling Factor for the amount of the technical part of the service.

PSL-43: Amount Technical Part (CP) 01997

Definition: Total Amount for the technical part of this service.

PSL-44: Total Amount Professional Part + Technical Part (CP) 01998

Definition: Total Amount of the cost of this service (Professional plus technical part)

PSL-45: VAT-Rate (NM) 01999

Definition: VAT–Rate Applied on the total amount of this service.

PSL-46: Main-Service (ID) 02000

Definition: Main service.

PSL-47: Validation (ID) 02001

Definition: Service line item has passed an approved validator software (yes/no). For reason see PSL-48. Refer to HL7 Table 0136 – Yes/No Indicator in Chapter 2C, Code Tables, for suggested values.

PSL-48: Comment (ST) 02002

Definition: Reason why the service line item has not passed the validator software.

ADJ - Adjustment Segment

This segment describes Provider and/or Payer adjustments to a Product/Service Line Item or Response Summary. These include surcharges such as tax, dispensing fees and mark ups.

X12 REF: Similar to CAS segment, with a few new fields.

HL7 Attribute Table - ADJ - Adjustment Segment
Seq# DataElement Description Must Implement Flags Cardinality Length C.LEN Vocabulary DataType
1 02003 Provider Adjustment Number SHALL [1..1] EI
2 02004 Payer Adjustment Number SHALL [1..1] EI
3 02005 Adjustment Sequence Number SHALL [1..1] [1..4] SI
4 02006 Adjustment Category SHALL [1..1] CWE
5 02007 Adjustment Amount [0..0] CP
6 02008 Adjustment Quantity [0..1] CQ

02009 Adjustment Reason PA MAY
8 02010 Adjustment Description # [0..1] 250 ST
9 02011 Original Value = [0..1] 16 NM
10 02012 Substitute Value = [0..1] 16 NM
11 02013 Adjustment Action [0..1] CWE
12 02014 Provider Adjustment Number Cross Reference [0..1] EI
13 02015 Provider Product/Service Line Item Number Cross Reference [0..1] EI
14 02016 Adjustment Date SHALL [1..1] DTM
15 02017 Responsible Organization [0..1] XON

ADJ-1: Provider Adjustment Number (EI) 02003

Definition: Unique Adjustment Number assigned by the Provider Application.

ADJ-2: Payer Adjustment Number (EI) 02004

Definition: Unique Adjustment Number assigned by the Payer Application.

ADJ-3: Adjustment Sequence Number (SI) 02005

Definition: Unique sequence number for this adjustment – starts with 1, then 2, etc., for each unique adjustment for the Product/Service Line Item.

ADJ-4: Adjustment Category (CWE) 02006

Definition: Indicates the category of adjustment and is used to assist in determining which table is used for Adjustment Reason. Refer to User-defined Table 0564 – Adjustment Category Code in Chapter 2C, Code Tables, for suggested values.

ADJ-5: Adjustment Amount (CP) 02007

Definition: Adjustment amount, such as taxes, deductibles, previously paid amount.

ADJ-6: Adjustment Quantity (CQ) 02008

Definition: Adjustment quantity.

X12 REF: table 673 Quantity Qualifier. New values from X12 673 can be added as required. Refer to User-defined Table 0560 – Quantity Units in Chapter 2C, Code Tables, for suggested values.

ADJ-7: Adjustment Reason PA (CWE) 02009

Definition: Reason for this adjustment. Codes used to explain a Provider adjustment to a Product/Service Group or Product/Service Line Item by a Provider. Refer to User-defined Table 0565 – Provider Adjustment Reason Code in Chapter 2C, Code Tables, for suggested values.

ADJ-8: Adjustment Description (ST) 02010

Definition: Description of adjustment, such as client instructions.

ADJ-9: Original Value (NM) 02011

Definition: Original value of data item noted in this adjustment.

ADJ-10: Substitute Value (NM) 02012

Definition: Substituted value of data item noted in this adjustment.

ADJ-11: Adjustment Action (CWE) 02013

Definition: Action requested of party that receives this adjustment. Refer to User-defined Table 0569 – Adjustment Action in Chapter 2C, Code Tables, for suggested values.

ADJ-12: Provider Adjustment Number Cross Reference (EI) 02014

Definition: Unique Provider Adjustment Number assigned by the Provider Application that is referenced by this Payer Adjustment.

ADJ-13: Provider Product/Service Line Item Number Cross Reference (EI) 02015

Definition: Unique Provider Product/Service Line Item Number assigned by the Provider Application that is referenced by this Payer Adjustment; used for groups with multiple line items that need to be singled out by a Payer Adjustment.

ADJ-14: Adjustment Date (DTM) 02016

Definition: Date/Time adjustment was made. May also be synonymous with Adjudication Date.

ADJ-15: Responsible Organization (XON) 02017

Definition: Business organization that is responsible for the adjustment (e.g., Payer organization); can be used for a Payment/Remittance Advice for 1 Payee from multiple Payers.

PMT - Payment Information Segment

This segment contains information that describes a payment made by a Payer organization.

HL7 Attribute Table - PMT - Payment Information Segment
Seq# DataElement Description Must Implement Flags Cardinality Length C.LEN Vocabulary DataType
1 02018 Payment/Remittance Advice Number SHALL [1..1] EI
2 02019 Payment/Remittance Effective Date/Time SHALL [1..1] DTM
3 02020 Payment/Remittance Expiration Date/Time SHALL [1..1] DTM
4 02021 Payment Method SHALL [1..1] CWE
5 02022 Payment/Remittance Date/Time SHALL [1..1] DTM
6 02023 Payment/Remittance Amount SHALL [1..1] CP
7 02024 Check Number [0..1] EI
8 02025 Payee Bank Identification [0..1] XON
9 02026 Payee Transit Number = [0..1] 4 ST
10 02027 Payee Bank Account ID [0..1] CX
11 02028 Payment Organization SHALL [1..1] XON
12 02029 ESR-Code-Line = [0..1] 100 ST

PMT-1: Payment/Remittance Advice Number (EI) 02018

Definition: Unique Payment/Remittance Advice number for the sending Network Application ID.

PMT-2: Payment/Remittance Effective Date/Time (DTM) 02019

Definition: [ Start ] Date/Time for this Payment/Remittance Advice.

PMT-3: Payment/Remittance Expiration Date/Time (DTM) 02020

Definition: [ End ] Date/Time for this Payment/Remittance Advice.

PMT-4: Payment Method (CWE) 02021

Definition: Code identifying the method for the movement of payment. Refer to User-defined Table 0570 – Payment Method Code in Chapter 2C, Code Tables, for suggested values.

PMT-5: Payment/Remittance Date/Time (DTM) 02022

Definition: Date Payment/Remittance Advice was paid, which might not be the same as Date/Time of Message on MSH.

PMT-6: Payment/Remittance Amount (CP) 02023

Definition: Sum total of all Product/Service Paid Amount on PSL for this Payment/Remittance Advice, net of any Adjustments to Payee.

PMT-7: Check Number (EI) 02024

Definition: Unique check number from the Payer's application system.

PMT-8: Payee Bank Identification (XON) 02025

Definition: Identification of Payee's financial contact, e.g., name of the bank .

PMT-9: Payee Transit Number (ST) 02026

Definition: Personal ID of the payee used in financial transaction.

PMT-10: Payee Bank Account ID (CX) 02027

Definition: Id of Payee's Bank account.

PMT-11: Payment Organization (XON) 02028

Definition: Organization identifier that made the Payment/Remittance Advice; could be a Payer, Insurance Company, TPA, Drug Company.

PMT-12: ESR-Code-Line (ST) 02029

Definition: Invoice Reference used with electronic banking methods.

IPR - Invoice Processing Results Segment

The Invoice Processing Results (IPR) segment provides summary information about an adjudicated Product/Service Group or Product/Service Line Item.

HL7 Attribute Table - IPR - Invoice Processing Results Segment
Seq# DataElement Description Must Implement Flags Cardinality Length C.LEN Vocabulary DataType
1 02030 IPR Identifier SHALL [1..1] EI
2 02031 Provider Cross Reference Identifier SHALL [1..1] EI
3 02032 Payer Cross Reference Identifier SHALL [1..1] EI
4 02033 IPR Status SHALL [1..1] CWE
5 02034 IPR Date/Time SHALL [1..1] DTM
6 02035 Adjudicated/Paid Amount [0..1] CP
7 02036 Expected Payment Date/Time [0..1] DTM
8 02037 IPR Checksum SHALL = [1..1] 10 ST

IPR-1: IPR Identifier (EI) 02030

Definition: Unique IPR Number assigned by the Payer Application.

IPR-2: Provider Cross Reference Identifier (EI) 02031

Definition: Cross reference to Provider Product/Service Group Number or Provider Product/Service Line Item Number from original Invoice.

IPR-3: Payer Cross Reference Identifier (EI) 02032

Definition: Cross reference to Payer Product/Service Group Number or Payer Product/Service Line Item Number from original Invoice.

IPR-4: IPR Status (CWE) 02033

Definition: Processing status for the Product/Service Group (if Adjudicate as Group = "Y") or Product/Service Line Item. Refer to User-defined Table 0571 – Invoice Processing Results Status in Chapter 2C, Code Tables, for suggested values.

The referenced status codes represent status codes for an IPR (Invoice Processing Result).

IPR-5: IPR Date/Time (DTM) 02034

Definition: Date/Time IPR was created.

IPR-6: Adjudicated/Paid Amount (CP) 02035

Definition: Adjudicated Amount for the Product/Service Group or Product/Service Line Item, which could be 0 = sum of all Payer adjustments (Adjustment Amount on ADJ).

IPR-7: Expected Payment Date/Time (DTM) 02036

Definition: Date payment is expected for this IPR.

IPR-8: IPR Checksum (ST) 02037

Definition: Conditional, if Status = "Accepted", then Required, else Not Permitted.

The field contains a checksum generated by the first Payer (referenced by Payer Organization in the IVC Segment) to ensure that the contents of IPR have not been altered before sending to subsequent Payers.

Outstanding Issues

The following items are being discussed in the Financial Management committee for addition to future versions of HL7:

  1. Events E10 (Edit/Adjudication Response), E24 (Authorization Response) and E12 (Request Additional Information) assume that the Payer application is able to process the requests on-line. Future versions of the Standard would include provisions for deferred responses where the Payer responds to the request once it has processed the request offline. In this use case, the Payer would either send the response as unsolicited results, or store the responses on a queue for the Provider application. If left on a queue for the Provider application, then the QVR^Q17^QVR_Q17 (Query for previous events) message might be used by the Provider application to poll the Payer application.