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IPR - Invoice Processing Results Segment

The Invoice Processing Results (IPR) segment provides summary information about an adjudicated Product/Service Group or Product/Service Line Item.

HL7 Attribute Table - IPR - Invoice Processing Results Segment
Seq# DataElement Description Must Implement Flags Cardinality Length C.LEN Vocabulary DataType
1 02030 IPR Identifier SHALL [1..1] EI
2 02031 Provider Cross Reference Identifier SHALL [1..1] EI
3 02032 Payer Cross Reference Identifier SHALL [1..1] EI
4 02033 IPR Status SHALL [1..1] CWE
5 02034 IPR Date/Time SHALL [1..1] DTM
6 02035 Adjudicated/Paid Amount [0..1] CP
7 02036 Expected Payment Date/Time [0..1] DTM
8 02037 IPR Checksum SHALL = [1..1] 10 ST

IPR-1: IPR Identifier (EI) 02030

Definition: Unique IPR Number assigned by the Payer Application.

IPR-2: Provider Cross Reference Identifier (EI) 02031

Definition: Cross reference to Provider Product/Service Group Number or Provider Product/Service Line Item Number from original Invoice.

IPR-3: Payer Cross Reference Identifier (EI) 02032

Definition: Cross reference to Payer Product/Service Group Number or Payer Product/Service Line Item Number from original Invoice.

IPR-4: IPR Status (CWE) 02033

Definition: Processing status for the Product/Service Group (if Adjudicate as Group = "Y") or Product/Service Line Item. Refer to User-defined Table 0571 – Invoice Processing Results Status in Chapter 2C, Code Tables, for suggested values.

The referenced status codes represent status codes for an IPR (Invoice Processing Result).

IPR-5: IPR Date/Time (DTM) 02034

Definition: Date/Time IPR was created.

IPR-6: Adjudicated/Paid Amount (CP) 02035

Definition: Adjudicated Amount for the Product/Service Group or Product/Service Line Item, which could be 0 = sum of all Payer adjustments (Adjustment Amount on ADJ).

IPR-7: Expected Payment Date/Time (DTM) 02036

Definition: Date payment is expected for this IPR.

IPR-8: IPR Checksum (ST) 02037

Definition: Conditional, if Status = "Accepted", then Required, else Not Permitted.

The field contains a checksum generated by the first Payer (referenced by Payer Organization in the IVC Segment) to ensure that the contents of IPR have not been altered before sending to subsequent Payers.