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SID - Substance Identifier Segment

The Substance Identifier segment contains data necessary to identify the substance (e.g., reagents) used in the production of analytical test results. The combination of these fields must uniquely identify the substance, i.e., depending on the manufacturer all or some fields are required (this is the reason the optionality is 'C' (conditional)). If the analysis requires multiple substances, this segment is repeated for each substance. The segment(s) should be attached to the TCD segment.

Another purpose of this segment is to transfer the control manufacturer, lot, etc., information for control specimens. In this case the SID segment should be attached to the SAC segment describing the container with the control specimen.

HL7 Attribute Table - SID - Substance Identifier Segment
Seq# DataElement Description Must Implement Flags Cardinality Length C.LEN Vocabulary DataType

01426 Application/Method Identifier MAY

01129 Substance Lot Number MAY
20 ST

01428 Substance Container Identifier MAY
200 ST
4 01429 Substance Manufacturer Identifier MAY

SID-1: Application/Method Identifier (CWE) 01426

Definition: This field identifies the application/method used for the analysis. Refer to Table 0783 - Application/Method Identifier in Chapter 2C for valid values.

Example: GLUCOSE is an orderable test. GLUCOSE can be analyzed using various applications/methods, which have manufacturer specific identifiers.

SID-2: Substance Lot Number (ST) 01129

(Definition from RXD.18 in Ch. 4A)

Definition: This field contains the lot number of the medical substance administered.

Note: The lot number is the number printed on the label attached to the container holding the substance and on the packaging which houses the container. If the substance is a vaccine, for example, and a diluent is required, a lot number may appear on the vial containing the diluent; however, any such identifier associated with a diluent is not the identifier of interest. The substance lot number should be reported, not that of the diluent.

(Definition from RXG.19 in Ch. 4A)

Definition: This field contains the lot number of the medical substance administered.

Note: The lot number is the number printed on the label attached to the container holding the substance and on the packaging which houses the container. If the substance is a vaccine, for example, and a diluent is required, a lot number may appear on the vial containing the diluent; however, any such identifier associated with a diluent is not the identifier of interest. The substance lot number should be reported, not that of the diluent.

(Definition from RXA.15 in Ch. 4A)

Definition: This field contains the lot number of the medical substance administered.

Note: The lot number is the number printed on the label attached to the container holding the substance and on the packaging which houses the container. If the substance is a vaccine, for example, and a diluent is required, a lot number may appear on the vial containing the diluent; however, any such identifier associated with a diluent is not the identifier of interest. The substance lot number should be reported, not that of the diluent.

(Definition from SID.2 in Ch. 13)

Definition: This field specifies the lot number assigned by the manufacturer during production of the substance.

SID-3: Substance Container Identifier (ST) 01428

Definition: This field specifies the container assigned by the manufacturer during production of the substance. This identifier should be unique within specific lot of specific application / method.

SID-4: Substance Manufacturer Identifier (CWE) 01429

Definition: This field identifies the manufacturer of this substance. Refer to User-defined Table 0385 - Manufacturer Identifier in Chapter 2C, Code Tables, for suggested values.