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EQP - Equipment Log/Service Segment

The equipment log/service segment is the data necessary to maintain an adequate audit trail of events that have occurred on a particular piece of equipment.

HL7 Attribute Table - EQP - Equipment Log/Service Segment
Seq# DataElement Description Must Implement Flags Cardinality Length C.LEN Vocabulary DataType
1 01430 Event type SHALL [1..1] CWE
2 01431 File Name = [0..1] 20 ST
3 01202 Start Date/Time SHALL [1..1] DTM
4 01432 End Date/Time [0..1] DTM
5 01433 Transaction Data SHALL [1..1] FT

EQP-1: Event type (CWE) 01430

Definition: This field identifies the type of event of the message. Refer to HL7 Table 0450 – Event Type in Chapter 2C, Code Tables, for valid values.

EQP-2: File Name (ST) 01431

Definition: This field is the physical file name that is being used to store information about the transmitted log and/or service event.

EQP-3: Start Date/Time (DTM) 01202

(Definition from AIS.4 in Ch. 10)

Definition: This field contains the date and time this service needs for the appointment. This field allows the application to identify that the service is required for the appointment at a different time than the appointment's start date/time.

This field is conditionally required. If a value for AIS-5-Start Date/Time Offset is not provided, then a value is required for this field. To specify that there is no difference between the appointment's start date/time and the resource's start date/time either replicate the appointment's start date/time into this field, or specify an offset of zero (0) in AIS-5-Start Date/Time Offset and any valid time unit code in AIS-6-Start Date/Time Offset Units.

(Definition from AIG.8 in Ch. 10)

Definition: This field contains the date and time this service needs for the appointment. This field allows the application to identify that the service is required for the appointment at a different time than the appointment's start date/time

This field is conditionally required. If a value for AIG-9-Start Date/Time Offset is not provided, then a value is required for this field. To specify that there is no difference between the appointment's start date/time and the resource's start date/time either replicate the appointment's start date/time into this field, or specify an offset of zero (0) in AIG-9-Start Date/Time Offset and any valid time unit code in AIG-10-Start Date/Time Offset Units.

(Definition from AIL.6 in Ch. 10)

Definition: This field contains the date and time this service needs for the appointment. This field allows the application to identify that the service is required for the appointment at a different time than the appointment's start date/time

This field is conditionally required. If a value for AIL-7 Start Date/Time Offset is not provided, then a value is required for this field. To specify that there is no difference between the appointment's start date/time and the resource's start date/time either replicate the appointment's start date/time into this field, or specify an offset of zero (0) in AIL-7 Start Date/Time Offset and any valid time unit code in AIL-8-Start Date/Time Offset Units.

(Definition from AIP.6 in Ch. 10)

Definition: This field contains the date and time this service needs for the appointment. This field allows the application to identify that the service is required for the appointment at a different time than the appointment's start date/time.

This field is conditionally required. If a value for AIP-7 Start Date/Time Offset is not provided, then a value is required for this field. To specify that there is no difference between the appointment's start date/time and the resource's start date/time either replicate the appointment's start date/time into this field, or specify an offset of zero (0) in AIP-7 Start Date/Time Offset and any valid time unit code in AIP-8 Start Date/Time Offset Units.

(Definition from EQP.3 in Ch. 13)

Definition: This field is the date/time that the event started.

EQP-4: End Date/Time (DTM) 01432

Definition: This field is the date/time that the event was completed.

EQP-5: Transaction Data (FT) 01433

Definition: This field is the data that the log and/or service event was about and is to be logged.