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NDL - name with date and location

Attention: Retained for backward compatibility only in v2.6. Fields associated with this data type have been replaced by the ROL segment.

HL7 Component Table - NDL - name with date and location
Seq# Description Implement Flags Cardinality Length C.LEN Vocabulary Data Type
1 Name [0..1]     CNN
2 Start Date/Time [0..1]     DTM
3 End Date/Time [0..1]     DTM
4 Point of Care = [0..1]  20 0302 IS
5 Room = [0..1]  20 0303 IS
6 Bed = [0..1]  20 0304 IS
7 Facility [0..1]     HD
8 Location Status = [0..1]  20 0306 IS
9 Patient Location Type = [0..1]  20 0305 IS
10 Building = [0..1]  20 0307 IS
11 Floor = [0..1]  20 0308 IS

Components: <Name (CNN)> & <Start Date/Time (DTM)> & <End Date/Time (DTM)> & <Point of Care (IS)> & <Room (IS)> & <Bed (IS)> & <Facility (HD)> & <Location Status (IS)> & <Patient Location Type (IS)> & <Building (IS)> & <Floor (IS)>

Subcomponents for Name (CNN): <ID Number (ST)> ^ <Family Name (ST)> ^ <Given Name (ST)> ^ <Second and Further Given Names or Initials Thereof (ST)> ^ <Suffix (ST)> ^ <Prefix (ST)> ^ <Degree (IS)> ^ <Source Table (IS)> ^ <Assigning Authority - Namespace ID (IS)> ^ <Assigning Authority - Universal ID (ST)> ^ <Assigning Authority - Universal ID Type (ID)>

Subcomponents for Facility (HD): <Namespace ID (IS)> ^ <Universal ID (ST)> ^ <Universal ID Type (ID)>

Definition: Specifies the name of the person performing a service, when the person performed the service and where the person performed the service. Retained for backward compatibility as of v2.6.

Note: Replaces the CM data type used in sections and OBR-32), and - ( OBR-33) and - ( OBR-34) and - ( OBR-35) as of v 2.5.

NDL-1: Name (CNN)

Definition: This component specifies the name of the person performing a service.

NDL-2: Start Date/Time (DTM)

Definition: This component specifies the starting date and time for when the person is performing the service.

NDL-3: End Date/Time (DTM)

Definition: This component specifies the ending date and time for when the person is performing the service.

NDL-4: Point of Care (IS)

Definition: This component specifies the code for the point where patient care is administered. It is conditional on NDL.9 – Patient Location Type (e.g., nursing unit or department or clinic). After floor, it is the most general patient location designation. Refer to User-defined Table 0302 - Point of care for suggested values.

NDL-5: Room (IS)

Definition: Patient room. After point of care, it is the most general location designation. Refer to User-defined Table 0303 - Room for suggested values.

NDL-6: Bed (IS)

Definition: This component specifies the code for the patient's bed. After room, it is the most general location designation. Refer to User-defined Table 0304 - Bed for suggested values.

NDL-7: Facility (HD)

Definition: This component is subject to site interpretation but generally describes the highest level physical designation of an institution, medical center or enterprise. It is the most general location designation.

NDL-8: Location Status (IS)

Definition: This component specifies the code for the status or availability of the location. For example, it may convey bed status. Refer to User-defined Table 0306 - Location Status for suggested values.

NDL-9: Patient Location Type (IS)

Definition: Location type is the categorization of the location defined by facility, building, floor, point of care, room or bed. Although not a required field, when used, it may be the only populated field. Usually includes values such as nursing unit, department, clinic, SNF, physician’s office. Refer to User-defined Table 0305 - Person Location Type for suggested values.

NDL-10: Building (IS)

Definition: This component specifies the code for the building where the person is located. After facility, it is the most general location designation. Refer to User-defined Table 0307 - Building for suggested values.

NDL-11: Floor (IS)

Definition: This component specifies the code for the floor where the person is located. After building, it is the most general location designation. Refer to User-defined Table 0308 - Floor for suggested values.