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ERL - Message location

HL7 Component Table - ERL - Message location
Seq# Description Implement Flags Cardinality Length C.LEN Vocabulary Data Type
1 Segment ID SHALL [0..1] [3..3]     ST
2 Segment Sequence [0..1]     SI

Field Position MAY
4 Field Repetition [0..1]     SI

Component Number MAY
6 Sub-Component Number [0..1]     SI

Components: <Segment ID (ST)> & <Segment Sequence (SI)> & <Field Position (SI)> & <Field Repetition (SI)> & <Component Number (SI)> & <Sub-Component Number (SI)>

Definition: This data type identifies the segment and its constituent , if applicable, where the context of the element in which it is used applies.

Note: If used in the Error segment (ERR) in Error Location (ERR-2), then it defines where the error has occurred. If used in the Access Restrictions segment (ARV) in Access Restricted HL7.Message Elements (ARV-8) then it identifies the data, the security labels as defined in other attributes of the same ARV segment apply to.

ERL-1: Segment ID (ST)

Definition: Specifies the 3-letter name for the segment.

ERL-2: Segment Sequence (SI)

Definition: Identifies the segment occurrence within the message. The first occurrence of a segment is assigned the number of 1.

Note: This number refers to the absolute position of the referenced instance of the segment type in the message – it is not synonymous with the Set-ID of the segment – for example if the referenced element is OBX in field position 5, that means it is the 5th OBX segment in the message, regardless of the number of OBR segments that may be interspersed between them, which causes a reset of the Set-ID.

ERL-3: Field Position (SI)

Definition: Identifies the number of the field within the segment. The first field is assigned a number of 1. Field number should not be specified when referring to the entire segment. This field is conditionally required, when Component Number (ERL-5) is populated..

ERL-4: Field Repetition (SI)

Definition: Identifies the repetition number of the field. The first repetition is counted as 1. If a Field Position is specified, but Field Repetition is not, Field Repetition should be assumed to be 1. If Field Position is not specified, Field Repetition should not be specified.

ERL-5: Component Number (SI)

Definition: Identifies the number of the component within the field. The first component is assigned a number of 1. Component number should not be specified when referring to the entire field. This field is conditionally required, when Sub-Component Number (ERL-6) is populated.

ERL-6: Sub-Component Number (SI)

Definition: Identifies the number of the sub-component within the component. The first sub-component is assigned a number of 1. Sub-component number should not be specified when referring to the entire component.